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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Jan. 21 http://marbleconnection.com/gallery/image/4434-cork58mint-104/
  2. LOL. Great story! Great pics. Too fun. Love it! And it really is coming close to invisible in that one shot. Very cool.
  3. Steph


    I declare shenanigans!
  4. Cool. I like how the part which looks black is really clear.
  5. That's Grumpy's new year's tinsel. Festive, eh?
  6. I got this message from David Chamberlain this morning: Jack was a wonderful guy. As a cat's eye fan myself it was always great to see someone whose love for cat's eyes never dimmed. He was just plain fun. And all that came through the screen. He must have been something special in real life. Prayers and the best of wishes to Linda.
  7. Peyton Manning is something like my 10th cousin. Maybe he could fix me up with Super Bowl tickets. I've never asked him for anything before.
  8. Congratulations, Seattle. Thanks for taking out SF. Signed, Packers Fan
  9. Andy, I just saw your pictures in the gallery. Sweeeet candy!
  10. I like little things, like cracker jack toys and buttons. My husband knew I'd been thinking about getting some marbles just for fun, so he got me some from Wal-Mart. That got me more interested and I started looking at marbles on ebay. There I found some Jabos in bulk and I liked them bunches. I thought maybe I'd sell them in my antique booth. I didn't think about them not being antique and I wasn't being dishonest. I just didn't know. But the antique store owner did know. And she told me those weren't the ones people liked to buy. So there was the challenge. I had to learn what the "right" marbles were. And that's when I got sucked in ..... (This is not an anti-Jabo story. Just the way things were communicated to me 10 years ago before Jabos came into their own.)
  11. Are you familiar with the comic marbles on peerless patches? Here's the Hoover marble, on the right, and a World's Fair marble:
  12. I paid $20 for a lot full of beautiful Akros -- with slippery wet mint ades and oxbloods. I don't remember what I got for them in all. But one of the marbles sold for $80. It was a lot no one bid on because of the fuzzy pictures.
  13. I have bought large and medium-sized groups on ebay and sold them back on ebay in smaller groups or as individuals to make a profit. And of course I've bought marbles just for myself on ebay.
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