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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Here's a Tom Thornburgh jack o'lantern (from a marblebert auction). Bogard Cats are good for Halloween.
  2. This is the joke I was half expecting when I clicked on the link .... Tickle Me Elmo
  3. I can't remember if my last marbles arrived in September or a little earlier. I received more great magazines last month -- including the June 20, 1955 Sports Illustrated with the article "Color in the Dust". (Pictured here)
  4. I LUV those green and oxes.
  5. I looked at the addresses and tried to view them in separate windows. I still got error messages and not pictures. So I don't what is wrong.
  6. Cool. I have a nice bunch in the 5/8" range. In the 1" range I have a nice blue and yellow and an oddball red and yellow.
  7. 'tisn't my box. I just wanted to play. ETA: It's No. 2.
  8. I started to post a bag of Master cats, but then I saw you said colorful, so I'll fall back on this favorite box pic.
  9. Hey chica! I was actually glad I didn't win them. After I bid, our clutch went out. So I need that $30. But there they are for posterity. (: .... And my next bid will probably end up in this thread too, coz I don't bid very high. (:
  10. A Bag of Marbles, or Un Sac de Billes -- book and movie Book preview at Amazon
  11. Steph


    Tried these because you brought 'em to my attention. Well a different brand from a different store I happened across but about the same. Pretty good.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuW53xh-gj8
  13. I didn't win these one inch St. Marys. Still on my wish list. (:
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