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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Just knowing that they're amphibians stops me from grossing out. Which is kinda weird. If they were identical-looking snakes or worms or bugs I would be shuddering. Silly, I know, but
  2. ... but then I noticed they looked egg shaped ... Bigger view Article: http://www.nydailyne...ticle-1.1027077
  3. The green ones are interesting but I don't have a guess for who made them. Having so many similar ones together would suggest that they might be modern. But I don't recognize them as a modern marble. The green ones came with a shooter? That sort of sounds like it might have been a Mega Marble set. I still don't recognize the style. But Mega does sell nets with lots of small ones and one big one.
  4. Wow. Thank you so much. It's awesome to hear the historical details. In your album, the greyish one with the yellowish highlights is striking. Many interesting features showing in many of the close-ups. Very cool.
  5. I don't think that Majolica is a manufacturer. It's a type of ceramic.
  6. Those colorful marbles look downright huge. Tree size. Interesting perspective.
  7. Lovely. Wonder what the story behind them is.
  8. 1960 give or take for at least some of them.
  9. With the sort of neon look of the swirls maybe Champion?
  10. I think you might be referring to photos which are hosted at another site, such as Photobucket. Or sometimes hosted in our gallery here and imported into the post. It's not as easy as it used to be to figure out the gallery image addresses but it's still possible.
  11. I don't collect handmades but something doesn't look right about that to me. Maybe it's just the wear .... ? It looks kinda scratched up. I wouldn't commit to buying it without more feedback.
  12. Awww ... that is so sweet. I have someone who patiently tolerates my marbles. Gotta make do with that! ( :
  13. Looks more like a moss agate to me at the moment. Can you see any fire inside when you hold it to a light?
  14. Multicolor swirls were made in the NLR era.
  15. Hiya. I'll tackle #1. Can't be sure from a description but sounds like they might be ballot marbles. Did they look anything like this? Not sure how rare they are but my guess is that they wouldn't be especially valuable monetarily. Even uncommon ceramics usually don't have values to match their rarity - coz they don't have the eye appeal.
  16. that really is a cool bird! Pelt Goose, you say!
  17. Lovely. That crystal clear one is interesting.
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