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Everything posted by Steph

  1. ???? I've moved it to the main forum to get more eyes on it.
  2. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. But I'm always cautious about the Vitro names. Aquamarine is one of the terms that a lot of marbles creep into because people like that name.
  3. Handsome Vitro. *thumbs up* LOL - at least I think it's a Vitro. Now someone is going to come in and say it's an Akro. rofl Are you in pain?
  4. LOL. Looks like your cat is willing to step up and help you ferret that imposter out, whoever it turns out to be! Happy Easter!
  5. You might need more than one post to get the pictures in.
  6. oooooo .... what is making the sparkles?
  7. Don't be! You're obviously not the only one. And I enjoyed the trip down memory lane!
  8. Big smile @ Rylee & Stacy here. Rylee you just brought back some childhood memories. When I was growing up, Stephanie wasn't that common a name yet so I often was called either Jennifer or Stacy. About the marble ... I didn't know enough to make a guess. It looked sorta newish to me, but I wasn't certain and hoped someone else would know.
  9. Well ... with that ribbon color and that base I guess it's time to chime in with my usual "Cairo Novelty" but there aren't anywhere near as many Cairo Novelties as I guess there are. So don't listen to me!
  10. Congratulations Grandpa! And congratulations to your daughter. LOL - when I saw the title I was looking forward to seeing what kind of craft your daughter was into. But Quinten is nice too.
  11. Great article. You threw me in where you mentioned clay in your open. You mention stone later. Are you seeing both?
  12. M!b$, I think that one is kinda like the bottom left one here. Yours might have had thicker colors but mine look a little more substantial in hand than my foggy picture shows.
  13. At BJ's suggestion, I moved this section of posts to their own thread. Mike, since you didn't get to make a title, if you PM me to let me know how you would like it to read, I can change that. Best wishes to Art's family.
  14. Looks like an Akro from that one view. Other views could change my mind.
  15. Fun! you sent me on a chase for more marble pix. here are some - http://www.designswan.com/archives/life-through-a-marbleamazing-photography-by-caleb.html
  16. Also cool. Can't remember if I've seen that one yet. A couple of new things in it to me - like the reference to Buckminster Fuller.
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