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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Hmmm ... well, to me the marble underneath looks more like a Peltier than the Marble King I generally expect to see with Repros ...
  2. First I heard of it. But I didn't mind 'em bumping this thread so I didn't say nuthin' one way or t'other.
  3. http://www.ebay.com/itm/251096683666 They're still at it. The green is looking better. Their best are still the fancies. I used to like bennies a lot. Bid2win has turned me into a bennie cynic.
  4. Ron sent me a file with this flyer. It was generated in a program I don't have and my program gave a warning that some content might be missing or not formatted properly. Hopefully all the pertinent information came through. If you click on it, I think you'll have the option to save the JPEG and then you can print it if needed.
  5. Andrea, I'll see if I can translate the code into something which shows up. Got it. Sweet mibs.
  6. Do you have a program for resizing photos? If you have Windows then maybe you have Paint. That's what I typically use to resize images.
  7. While I wait for my Dad to get home so I can call him, a shout out to all you great guys ....
  8. lol - never saw pants used quite that way before.
  9. Did you ever tell? Who was the imposter? Was it the lady bug?
  10. That's what I heard too. This yellow on red is a new marble to me ... unless maybe I've seen it in patch form.
  11. The lack of color on the inside of that last half is interesting! edit: I posted that before I enlarged the thumbnail. I see more color now inside. But it's still cool how most of it is on the surface.
  12. Trying to think of an appropriate response to glass caskets. Will have to get back to ya .......
  13. Not saying Horace Hill wouldn't have exaggerated, but it seems theoretically possible that it could have been higher earlier. Couple of possible factors come to mind: Wasn't Martin Christensen known to have paid especially good wages? And what effect did the depression have on wages? So ... who has MFC's account books?
  14. Spiffy. Don't know why I am so intrigued by "penny king" bags but I am.
  15. Nifty. Any idea on the age of the scope? How far back do things like that go?
  16. LOL - what does that mean Mark? Looks MK-like to me but
  17. Once upon a time they were believed to be Akro. Keep them with Vitro. They're from the 1930's and were part of the "Tri-lite" line.
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