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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Nifty. Interesting observation about the magnification. I wonder if Ray's way is the same as how it was done in the olden days.
  2. Here's that case, John. (click link below thumbnail to enlarge) http://i119.photobuc...eCase_142kb.jpg
  3. Gotta root for the Giants! Just found out that Eli's like my 8th cousin. Gotta root for family. ROFL
  4. Totally. Little one went adventuring!
  5. Well, I thought it was pretty cool. Thanks again, Bumblebee. Looked like the Buckeye Glass Co. factoid might be new information. At least I don't recall seeing it anywhere.
  6. Thanks to Bumblebee for these links! They place Fiedler at the Buckeye Glass Company of Malta, Ohio in 1903, and at Akro in 1917. The April 1917 reference speaks of Fiedler's prowess as a color maker but says he had been out of the glass business for a decade or more at that time. http://books.google....J&pg=PA26-IA139 http://books.google....AAYAAJ&pg=PT701 http://books.google....AAJ&pg=RA5-PA43
  7. Wow ... the Vacor bringing the high price in the list I see at this time. Very interesting! (and great Vacor)
  8. Birchfield is the last name of most of the players who have been identified, both in Maine and in Washington State. At least one of the accounts was set up under a different last name but in the case I know about the address on the account still belonged to one of the Birchfields. I do not have a confirmed name yet on the youhave2bid2win account. Maybe someone else here does?
  9. "etc" is right. Fake fancies, fake browns, fake blues, fake greens, and fake lined chinas. The lined marbles are their latest enterprise that I'm aware of. Who knows what they'll come up with next.
  10. I find something about the dark green one especially appealing.
  11. I clicked on them too and noticed the bad links. Then I check the date. Old thread bumped for a new question. By the way, the Washington State ID's I know of who have a connection to Pavcraz are: youhave2bid2win conny3706
  12. Person operating out of Maine (last I heard) who sold boxes on ebay with Akro logos and other company's marks, including Christensen Agate. Often used cagey language but was caught on occasion outright lying. The company marks are not that very well done, especially not when you see them side by side with real, but they have still on occasion confused some collectors with years of experience. One example of a time when he was caught dead to rights for being involved in the creation of the packaging and not just someone who himself was duped was after he bought some dug Akros and they ended up in a counterfeit Akro bag. He has a connection with someone in Washington state who sells recently made ceramic marbles as antique handmades.
  13. An antique popeye! That's great! I know you're LOL-ing but it's not out of the realm of possibility! The akro ad writers did compare Akro spirals to latticinios. ( :
  14. Looks like a real and rare one to me. The contents aren't what I might have expected so I'm curious about whether it was backfilled. I'm pretty sure I recognize the box though.
  15. National Line Rainbo I'll add that to my list of abbreviations now.
  16. There are some other abbreviations here: Definitions If you can think of any which aren't there but might oughta be, let me know and I can add.
  17. Christensen Agate Company At least I think that's what it usually is. Some might use it for Champion Agate Company.
  18. I LOVE this glimpse into the language and classifications which were in use when mibology was just coming into its own. Ronnie, thank you very much for these pix. By the way, I've seen some terminology which was used in the 1940's and 1950's by Berry Pink. I think that there would be people today taking exception to it too or at least noting how different it was from names we use now. Anyway, even I don't post it in every thread, I'm reading your notes with interest. Thanks again!
  19. Possibly because of things like this box? ??
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