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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I'm not sure about the big long name to it. Not sure what the "chocolate" is. The Limeade part I recognize. The Oxblood part I recognize. But I don't remember ever seeing another one described with Chocolate on the front. I wonder if they're rare. Or if possibly they're not as rare as they sound .... I mean ... I wonder if maybe people sell them without thinking about mentioning the extra color. If you just keep an eye out for lemonade oxbloods might you find one with brown which someone didn't think to label "chocolate"? Here's a copy of the pic for convenience in case anyone else wants a peek.
  2. This is the marble you have in mind? http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/marbles-mint-4-akro-chocolate-135124014
  3. Where have you heard of such a beast? I'm not familiar with it. ( :
  4. A peerless patch can have oxblood. Oxblood is not that uncommon in turquoise glass. About price ... sorry I'm not up on Peerless Patch prices with or without oxblood.
  5. You're giving a lot of credit to whatever that little lump in the auction is. That's very nice of you. The auction looks like a playground rock to me.
  6. "This is in great condition. These pictures do not show its true beauty."
  7. That's neat, Ric. Thanks for showing us your loot.
  8. This 'un. 14 hours left. http://www.ebay.com/itm/120834978319
  9. What is your favorite cat's eye? Your most valuable cat eye? Or any cat eye you think might be worth a dollar or more. Here's an easy one to start with. My four color St. Mary's. In my mind I estimate it at around $25. Here's an 8-vaner which was a gift so I couldn't sell it for any price but I would assume it is worth more than a dollar. Agree? I have some blue based Vitros which were also gifts so I wouldn't sell them but I also assume they'd be worth more than a dollar. I'll rustle up some pix of those if no one else posts any. As a cat eye lover I don't usually focus on their value. But the question came up and it's a tough one. Most cat's eyes, even the beloved ones, aren't worth that much. So which ones are worth sorting out if someone is interested in selling? That's the gist of this thread. But if you just want to post a favorite regardless of value, I won't complain!
  10. Great clip! I haven't seen that one. I still have the movie on my "to watch" list. Now I want to watch it even more.
  11. I don't get notifications now the way I used to so I don't know if you get notifications either. And I kinda wanted to talk before your auction was over. :)
  12. I'd have a hard time deciding between Japanese and generic Asian on that one, Terry. With the size I think I'd lean to generic Asian.
  13. So DO the purple and green ones have a nickname? Ya'll calling them wiseguys triggered a batman memory so I googled a little and sure enough the joker and the riddler are purple and green but I figure that's just a coincidence here. lol
  14. Cats and boxes are hilarious. Our 20-pounder had a Snickers candy bar box he'd tried to hide in. (His front feet fit ... that was all.) The really funny part was how he expected us to respect that he was hiding. The game was that we'd chase him across the house and he'd jump into (onto) his Snickers box ... and apparently we were supposed to act like he'd gotten away from us. ..... Right now he's hiding in a tent I made him on the sofa. Cat caves are important business.
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