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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Bingo! Found the set Scott posted earlier. Three MFC's with a CAC in the middle. But if anyone one else has any to show off that would be great. (click to enlarge)
  2. Looking for a picture of a Persian Turquoise. Anyone have one to share? ... and any other MFC's would be nice to see if you're so disposed!
  3. I miss my Mom. Here's to my wonderful stepmother!
  4. Steph

    Cairo Pics- 2011

    Here are some pix Nancy sent. I resized them some. I have the bigger versions if anyone wants them. (click to enlarge) Here are the Cairo Marble Park and Marshall Hardware. I recognize some of the people here - like Nancy and Dave - but if anyone wants to help me out with names, that would be great!
  5. I picked that last pic just because ... and then I saw that the yellow dot on that top one of the group of three was special. This pic has a closer up view of the yellow dot.
  6. Farah, check out this album for more pix. Even more small chinas
  7. A few more if no one objects ......
  8. A History in Marbles by Debra Stanley-Lapic They are hoping that perhaps some group or organization can help keep the history alive. If you have any ideas, contact Debra Stanley-Lapic. If you don't have her contact information, I can put you in touch with her.
  9. This has generally been agreed to be a broken cork. That is, if anyone disagreed they didn't make their opinion known to me. I can see seams:
  10. I think I see the link ups you're talking about, Ric. Do you get the feeling that people haven't been looking for that pattern much on known MK's?
  11. Thanks for the early report, Edna! Have a blast!
  12. I love me my basement cats. Does that make me bad? http://www.lolcatbible.com/ Genesis 1 Boreded Ceiling Cat makinkgz Urf n stuffs 1 Oh hai. In teh beginnin Ceiling Cat maded teh skiez An da Urfs, but he did not eated dem. 2 Da Urfs no had shapez An haded dark face, An Ceiling Cat rode invisible bike over teh waterz. 3 At start, no has lyte. An Ceiling Cat sayz, i can haz lite? An lite wuz. 4 An Ceiling Cat sawed teh lite, to seez stuffs, An splitted teh lite from dark but taht wuz ok cuz kittehs can see in teh dark An not tripz over nethin. 5 An Ceiling Cat sayed light Day An dark no Day. It were FURST!!!1 6 An Ceiling Cat sayed, im in ur waterz makin a ceiling. But he no yet make a ur. An he maded a hole in teh Ceiling. 7 An Ceiling Cat doed teh skiez with waterz down An waterz up. It happen. 8 An Ceiling Cat sayed, i can has teh firmmint wich iz funny bibel naim 4 ceiling, so wuz teh twoth day. 9 An Ceiling Cat gotted all teh waterz in ur base, An Ceiling Cat hadz dry placez cuz kittehs DO NOT WANT get wet. 10 An Ceiling Cat called no waterz urth and waters oshun. Iz good. 11 An Ceiling Cat sayed, DO WANT grass! so tehr wuz seedz An stufs, An fruitzors An vegbatels. An a Corm. It happen. 12 An Ceiling Cat sawed that weedz ish good, so, letz there be weedz. 13 An so teh threeth day jazzhands. 14 An Ceiling Cat sayed, i can has lightz in the skiez for splittin day An no day. 15 It happen, lights everwear, like christmass, srsly. 16 An Ceiling Cat doeth two grate lightz, teh most big for day, teh other for no day. 17 An Ceiling Cat screw tehm on skiez, with big nails An stuff, to lite teh Urfs. 18 An tehy rulez day An night. Ceiling Cat sawed. Iz good. 19 An so teh furth day w00t. 20 An Ceiling Cat sayed, waterz bring me phishes, An burds, so kittehs can eat dem. But Ceiling Cat no eated dem. 21 An Ceiling Cat maed big fishies An see monstrs, which wuz like big cows, except they no mood, An other stuffs dat mooves, An Ceiling Cat sawed iz good. 22 An Ceiling Cat sed O hai, make bebehs kthx. An dont worry i wont watch u secksy, i not that kynd uf kitteh. 23 An so teh...fith day. Ceiling Cat taek a wile 2 cawnt. 24 An Ceiling Cat sayed, i can has MOAR living stuff, mooes, An creepie tings, An otehr aminals. It happen so tehre. 25 An Ceiling Cat doed moar living stuff, mooes, An creepies, An otehr animuls, An did not eated tehm. 26 An Ceiling Cat sayed, letz us do peeps like uz, becuz we ish teh qte, An let min p0wnz0r becuz tehy has can openers. 27 So Ceiling Cat createded teh peeps taht waz like him, can has can openers he maed tehm, min An womin wuz maeded, but he did not eated tehm. 28 An Ceiling Cat sed them O hai maek bebehs kthx, An p0wn teh waterz, no waterz An teh firmmint, An evry stufs. 29 An Ceiling Cat sayed, Beholdt, the Urfs, I has it, An I has not eated it. 30 For evry createded stufs tehre are the fuudz, to the burdies, teh creepiez, An teh mooes, so tehre. It happen. Iz good. 31 An Ceiling Cat sayed, Beholdt, teh good enouf for releaze as version 0.8a. kthxbai.
  13. White, yellow, blue and red? Sweet. That black and gold is incredible. Those are my brother's school colors. If you send it to me, I'll give it to him. Promise.
  14. Here's one: (click to enlarge) More in some of the later attachments here. http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=15362
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