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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Anyone remember the Jabo Ghost? That's a neat marble. ... am I remembering the name right?
  2. that's some fun reading. "After you pay for this little jewel I will hand deliver it. Your child is worth it. Then I will give him or her a few lessons if I can." here's a link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220675543933
  3. This feedback is now on his page. . Seller took photo from another site. Seller DID NOT have the marble he listed. However, in theory the creep can have it removed because he's never going to receive payment from me.
  4. For no particular reason ............ http://www.instanthitman.com/
  5. What does this mean? Why give a positive? . Dead Seller 10+ days NO RESPONSE BACK, BAD BAD BAD feedback
  6. Here is a photo which was posted by "lmtfi" in the calligraphy thead I started at Marble Mental in 2007: He gave it as an example of what would have been called a calligraphy marble "back in the day". He contrasted that with the Alleys and Ravenswoods which had been posted above him. I'll underline that part: not all the calligraphy marble examples posted were Alleys. Overall there were some quite different looking marbles given as examples. The moral of the thread as expressed by Elizabeth turned out to be "calligraphy is in the eye of the beholder".
  7. Thanks Mike. Curious what puts the 2nd one into the calligraphy category. p.s., hoping someone can donate some pix to the thread. It will be a shame if folks search later for "calligraphy" and all they get are some expired links. Chuck? anyone?
  8. Great! Yesterday when they were talking to me they were treating me like I was the problem (since I wasn't going to pay) and they didn't seem to see anything to suggest that he was the bad guy rather than me. After all he had a 99.1% feedback so he must be okay. As a non-payer I'm not able to file a claim and if I even get as far as negging him he can petition to have it removed. They wanted me to pay the $717 and then trust their appeals process to get it back - if I won my case. I hope you nailed this shut with your claim, but in case not I hope that others will file too - and leave negs! In case he slips back on. aaargh.
  9. Ebay's final answer on my questions. From their Trust and Safety forum. They really don't understand marble collectors, do they? lol. Peltier made Golden Rebels for 70 years? And if the seller does actually have a golden rebel to send, I wouldn't have any grounds to complain even though it wouldn't be the one in the photo he stole from Joe's site? File your claims everyone! Get them on the record!
  10. That would make an interesting topic. (hint hint ;-) Heck, no hint. I'm going to break this off as a new topic. I have the power. muwahahah I once asked about them on Marble Mental. Back then the definition of a calligraphy marble was fairly specific but showing signs of loosening up. I personally don't know what all counts as calligraphy these days. It'll be nice to see.
  11. LOL. That 3 little pigs one is hilarious. The painting of you and Weldon and the marble tree is wonderful.
  12. Anyone know the true owners of these?
  13. I googled his name together with his town and came up with a street address. However, I can't vouch for it being his current residence.
  14. Found em. Yes, they were Morphy marbles. That's a great thing about distinctive backgrounds. "Marbles:Christensen Agate Banded Transparent 5/8''" http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280568679658 http://www.icollector.com/Christensen-Agate-Banded-Transparent-Marble_i8466241 "Marbles:Christensen Agate Swirl 5/8'' Mint" http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270642550225 http://www.icollector.com/Christensen-Agate-Swirl-Marble_i8466238
  15. Could someone help me pin these two down? Are they from grandpamarble? I'll look but I'm a little flustered trying to keep up with all the links and match everything. To me this background looks like they could have come from Morphy's. Any sleuthing help would be appreciated. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270642550225 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280568679658
  16. What is the exact site / ebay store / whatever , from which the grandpamarbles came? I'm having trouble finding them. (sorry for the triple posting of this. I'm putting it in all the relevant threads hoping the right person will see. Need it to tell ebay.)
  17. What is the exact site / ebay store / whatever , from which the grandpamarbles came? I'm having trouble finding them. (sorry for the triple posting of this. I'm putting it in all the relevant threads hoping the right person will see. Need it to tell ebay.)
  18. What is the exact site / ebay store / whatever , from which the grandpamarbles came? I'm having trouble finding them.
  19. p.p.s. they say they'll email you a transcript of the live chat session. However the version I got was truncated. So if you want a full copy of your session, you should probably save it directly yourself. I wish I had the full transcript so I could have the exact wording for why my helper wouldn't be able to report the scam to ebay. The answer was something like, "We can't do that because the ebay format is based on trust." . . Irony. ar ar.
  20. I just had a live chat session with them. Their advice was to pay for the transaction or take a negative feedback. The feel of the chat session wasn't as brutal or heartless as that, but that's a pretty close to what was actually said. (Side thought: can the seller give negative feedback other than the non-paying-bidder report?) Well, after I got off chat I saw your message and so then I called the number you gave, Clyde. The recording directed me to live chat. However, they also have a number to fax requests to if one has legal issues: 408-376-7514 (if I caught the number correctly). p.s., Galen, did he ever call you back?
  21. Steph

    Vitro Confettis

    see: http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=14294
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