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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I'll get my suggestion out of the way. I've never been to a show. But I've heard that you should take a flashlight in case the rooms aren't well lit! 'kay, that's all I got. Hope you have a blast!
  2. Hi Gary. Hmmmm .... is 5/8" a ballot marble size? Are the bands on the black ones silver? ??? (or is that just an interesting reflection? or ???)
  3. Hi! Welcome! I have facebook! I'm still looking at the album. I got kinda sidetracked by the Squarbles. lol
  4. Great story! That's some good karma!
  5. To me the surface looks sort of like enamel, like the decorations on some pennies my mother has from her youth. Was that ever done to spherical objects?
  6. Fakes: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250691934462 That seller sells lots of green ones also. This is the seller with the eagle bennies. Here's one of their sketchy lots, including a green:
  7. Not mine. Mentioned in the buy-sell-trade forum, but with only a day left on some of them, here ya go: http://shop.ebay.com/bucca/m.html?_ipg=50&_sop=12&_rdc=1
  8. Ahhh, memories: That was part of May's campaign to get her to be accountable. Might be interesting to check in a month or so to see if she's listing them in the 1970-to-now category. My bet is that she will still list them in the pre-1970 category. Her present listing is completely pared down in comparison to the one M!b$ quoted. This dislaimer probably protects her from any eBay actions no matter what category she lists in: "PLEASE REMEMBER THAT SOME OF THESE MARBLES MIGHT BE NEWER I'M NOT A EXPERT". The question I have is how does one get all the new marbles she has http://shop.ebay.com/tammysvintagemarbles/m.html?_dmd=1&_ipg=50&_sop=12&_rdc=1 without knowing that they are new? How long can she go with that disclaimer? It could be mildly interesting to follow. As an academic exercise. Has she been selling before with a different but similar sounding ID? The name sounds familiar, but according to eBay, she didn't change from "mythisorthat" to "tammysvintagemarbles" until March of this year. All these sellers of antique Vacors and Jabos start running together after awhile.
  9. I'm having trouble seeing that one as a Superboy. Oh sheesh, I didn't want to jump in on this one, and there I dun it. I just wanted to watch a superman-supoerboy thread for once. Darn. Well, I went awhile! LOL Back to observer now.
  10. In case anyone didn't see her thread in the buy-sell-trade forum - she's got frogs! Frog Marbles In Need Of A New Home
  11. Here it is. They are beautiful. Edna took wonderful pictures. http://glasswizzards.yuku.com/topic/3247
  12. Hi Pete. Just toss me the occasional patch and I'll feel better. Maybe one day one the UK collectors will start a UK board if only to let people say, "yes we're here!"
  13. Steph


    Idle Question For An Expert
  14. On a related note, Rainbo wanted to say hi but he couldn't find your page.
  15. oh gee. I just got it. DOH. I thought you were talking about cold temperatures make the glass less fluid.
  16. Steph


    Martin F. Christensen Apparatus for producing metallic spheres Patent number: 632336 Filing date: Mar 7, 1899 Issue date: Sep 5, 1899 Machine for making spherical bodies or balls Patent number: 802495 Filing date: Dec 19, 1902 Issue date: Oct 24, 1905
  17. Steph


    James Harvey Leighton Manufacture of solid glass spheres Patent number: 462083 Filing date: Mar 28, 1891 Issue date: Oct 27, 1891
  18. Steph


    Samuel C. Dyke Apparatus for rounding plastic-clay slugs Patent number: 432127 Filing date: Feb 6, 1890 Issue date: Jul 15, 1890 Machine for molding marbles from plastic material Patent number: 463418 Filing date: Jun 27, 1891 Issue date: Nov 1891
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