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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Could we have larger images of the views with the holes? (edit: I agree with Galen and BJ.)
  2. The one in Post #8? Looking more WV swirl to me.
  3. I'm going to bump this and move it to the general chat area.
  4. Interesting MK there. p.s., I've noticed the view counter sometimes says 0 even after a post has had an answer. Not sure what's up with that.
  5. Why not let your 2's do double duty? I had a sharp cursive S once. It was so sharp that I thought it might have been that way on purpose. When I learned that it was probably an accident, I got rid of it. Doh! I have a gorgeous Jabo Ace S which Bob sent straight to me when I made the mistake of admiring it. ( : I'll have to find a picture. It was my avatar before Nilly. Edit: Bob posted it! That's my S! It shimmers.
  6. I saw that marble. But for some reason I didn't want to ask Duffy the question which came to mind. Not sure why. (Wondered if it was a Scarlet Orgasm. And I couldn't ask that. ... for some reason.)
  7. Hiya. I'm going to go ahead and shift this over to the main chat area so that more eyes can be on it. I'll leave a link to it so that I can remember to pull it back when the discussion seems to have run its course. ( : p.s., looks pelty to me. p.p.s., nice photoshop clean up. wow
  8. This is a thread to announce and to welcome a new moderator. Steve, you're #3 on the ban list. (lol, just kidding)
  9. Time frame? How close do you want it? After 1990 is a start. Why did I mention Fenton cullet? Because you mentioned the glow. I think the Fenton cullet explains the uranium glow. But I'm not certain.
  10. They're Jabos. I'm just trying to decided how confident to sound when I suggest that they're made from Fenton cullet.
  11. Wow. Gorgeous. I tried simply to watch. But I got caught up in imagining the people who first picked this kind up. That must have been like nothing else they'd seen. LOL. There I go again. Beautiful marble. Thank you for sharing!
  12. Don't jump to any conclusions, Gene.
  13. LOL. Death threats. Welcome to the fun, Dave.
  14. I'm thinkin your marbles are Jabos. The ones in my Army, Navy, Air Force bags are modern marble kings. I didn't think there were any real ones to compare these to. I was under the impression that Alox never did the Army, Navy, Air Force bags at all. (am open to correction if I have that wrong - thanks)
  15. Fascinating. Thanks! Gene, I have a set of the Army, Navy, Air Force fantasy bags.
  16. Wow, Pat. Have you ever tried to get a separate ID on the green, gold and white - or the red, white and blue - independent of the box?
  17. Since I hijacked your thread with the patches, I will try to get it back. Your question appears to be about the difference between Slags and Transparent Swirls. I don't trust my ability to explain it in words. However, here are some photos which might facilitate the discussion. Here's an example of a slag from Joe's MFC section and a transparent swirl from his Alox section. Here's a side by side comparison of Slags versus Transparent Swirls which Dani posted in a thread Felicia started on the subject. Clueless About Slags
  18. I made this post elsewhere today. Figured I should add it here also. There are patches in this bag of Nancy's. Mr. Bales once posted individual shots of the marbles in this box: (click to enlarge) Some examples:
  19. Rich, I see that you've posted a refinement of your question. So my post already in progress doesn't appear to be relevant. However, someone might find it interesting so I'll go ahead and hit submit. ************** There are patches in this bag of Nancy's. Mr. Bales once posted individual shots of the marbles in this box: (click to enlarge) Some examples:
  20. I'm going away to do some errands. If anyone has anything I need to hear, I'll have to catch you later. Please try not to burn the board down. Thanks all!
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