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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Thanks Marie. Nobody's perfect. Thanks for trying. p.s. Rainbo says hi. :-)
  2. Thanks Steve for addressing the subject after that last thread. It's a deep one. I appreciate the effort and the leads.
  3. Gorgeous! Do you want this to be in the buy-sell-trade forum? Only asking. The ID section is fine with me! A nice surprise to have such an eyeful of color.
  4. A nice little marbles article from Argentina: http://sites.google.com/site/danielhoracioeugenio/bolitas © 1995 Daniel Horacio Eugenio
  5. Maybe someone kept their Chinese Checkers set in the box. :-)
  6. I see what you mean. That's a neat, orderly grid in the middle of your box. Hard to say. Maybe it did come from Akro that way. Or maybe someone else stored their extra marbles in the box - very neatly. At one time at least, your box coulda been sold with a bag, but of course I couldn't swear Akro always sold it that way. Here is an ad with what looks like your box, and a bag.
  7. I heard once that there were guineas found in made in Mexico packaging. I remember this in the context of a discussion about big ones. I was under the impression they were ones which could be passed off for CAC's. And I heard that someone well-known in marbles was following up on that. Or at least I think I did. Maybe someone slipped something into my root beer. Does anyone else here remember anything like that? Know any details?
  8. Hello! Saw your marble in the alphabet contest! It was a nice one.
  9. So anyone else have pix of Akro bags? I miiiiight. Will look. hmmmm, what are we supposed to remember about that one? Is there a controversy? Sorry, I'm drawing a blank. edit: I'm not 100% positive, but I think this box is newer than yours. Just including it as an Akro bag even if it doesn't fit your box. (Anyone disagree with this bag being in this box?) (click to enlarge) . .
  10. The posts are mixed between wishing for recovery and sending our sympathy. That's because Weldon had not passed yet when it was first thought he had, so I temporarily masked that announcement and the responses. Now it is official. Weldon has passed on. I am unmasking all the posts. Please forgive any confusion. Hopefully the feeling in our hearts will be clear enough. Love you, Edna. -s Spikey and Scooter
  11. God bless you all. You have a strong and wonderful family. We're wishing you all the best.
  12. *giggle* *chuckle* *giggle* lol, thanks for the laugh BJ!
  13. lol - no snooping needed. That's a funky cool swirl. The glass still looks Vacor though.
  14. David Rosenfeldt I've been informed that his signature is N D R.
  15. Capital letters? edit: Ahhhh . . . is the signature upside down in pic #2? I was trying to make out the NOR in that pic, but the top line didn't look like capital letters. :-) It might be helpful to show the signature. Maybe positioned so that it's out of the way of reflections.
  16. I've been wondering about either glaze or dye. Dave, is the word you're searching for simply "facet" itself?
  17. Have a great day. May all your birthday wishes come true.
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