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Everything posted by Steph

  1. What a question! lol Would you prefer biological or astronomical names?
  2. Steph

    Vitro Aquamarines

    The word I'm hearing is that a tan color is important. Tan like the sand of Lake Superior & Lake Michigan. :-) I live less than a mile away from Lake Michigan. I suddenly feel an urge to go get me a bucketful of sand. No kidding - I think I'll take a walk this evening!
  3. My general impression is "about the same". I think you can still usually get them for a few cents apiece but some famous types sell fairly well, and some people do fairly well even with nonfamous ones by presenting them in eyecatching ways.
  4. Does this fit in this thread? It looks different to me. But it has a ground pontil. I think. My marble but Charles' pix.
  5. I got dibs on your Hercules! just kidding. You'll be missed. Hoping your marble blues pass. But I understand.
  6. Someone once accused him of being Pavcraz. That had to hurt. Really sorry about that Bill. Sorry I ever mentioned it to you. Sorry anyone ever mentioned it to me.
  7. Steph

    Vitro Aquamarines

    Thanks Bo. That's one of the kinds I'm wondering about. I wouldn't have thought so but they seem to be in the range some people are saying is okay for aquamarine. Hopefully someone with the inside dope will weigh in.
  8. While I'm at it, how about some Buttermilks? Here's Bob's pic from Chuck's article at Joe's website to get things started. And oh yes, Chuck's description: Thanks.
  9. Steph

    Vitro Aquamarines

    Okay , , , here's Chuck's description. I guess my question is how does that translate visually. Are the examples I've been seeing of late people pushing the boundaries because they want to think they have aquamarines when they don't? Or have I been too strict in my interpretation? Trying to sort that out. Thanks. For an example, I've seen some called aquamarines where the base seemed rather close to being white. What's the range of base color which is 'allowed', or considered desireable. What's desireable in the patches? Stuff like that. Thanks again. -s
  10. Thanks for the help with Superiors. Next on the checklist is Aquamarines. What is their range of variation? I think of their "textbook" description as this which Smitty posted about them at Marble Mental. Smitty's wife is the one who named the Aquamarines. Here's Bob B's famous Aquamarine photo, as seen in Chuck B's Tri-Lites article, OLDER VITRO MARBLES (TRI-LITES). This photo has been presented as quintessential Aquamarines. Lately though I've seen some mibs being called Aquamarines which seem quite a bit different. So I was wondering how far other collectors feel comfortable taking the name.
  11. Here's a box from one of Marblealan's auctions. Popeye marbles are named after the box. They're not the only marble style which was sold in the Popeye boxes. They're in the boxes a lot though and won the name. Their real name to Akro back in the 30's was Tri-Onyx Agates. (click pix to enlarge) p.s., here's a close-up of two marbles from that box. One is a true popeye patch - a marble which was meant to be a cork but didn't get spun. (click to enlarge)
  12. I'll trade you a Wisconsin beach.
  13. Steph

    Vitro Superiors

    That's why I asked! Superiors SEEM like they should be easier, but they've been sort of slippery!
  14. Steph

    Vitro Superiors

    I need to learn more about Vitro Superiors. They don't seem like they should be too hard but I'm kinda cautious with Vitro names for some reason. Here's the "textbook" photo, where the "textbook" is Chuck B.'s article in the WVMCC newsletter about older Vitros. The article is now hosted at Joemarbles.com: OLDER VITRO MARBLES (TRI-LITES) Would love to see more pix of Superiors to get a better feel for how much they can vary. Thanks! (Would also like to see the range of variation of the other styles mentioned in that article, but will wait for another thread for that.)
  15. Check this out at Google Books. 1920's and 1930's Akro promos in Boys' Life magazine. I'd seen a few of them before but nowhere near this many. I have a lot of reading to do! Lots of notes to take! Tri-colors were touted as a new line in January 1931, for instance. (Earlier than I once thought.) I'm in heaven. Hope everyone else has as good a day/weekend as I'm going to. About 30 issues A coupla notes: Mr. Akro Talks About Marbles - booklet advertised in Feb. '29. Not sure I've seen that booklet, at least not with that cover. The Prize Name contest winners WERE announced. Supposed to have been published in June 1930 - that's what contest announcements had said. I have the June 1930 Boys' Life. Not there. The August issue explains why and gives the winners. The winning name was Fire Opal.
  16. Red Sparklers: The New Adventures of Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford, by George Randolph Chester, in Cosmopolitan, 1914 Appears they cost a nickel apiece at the store.
  17. Woohoo, best spotted dick photo I've ever seen. Hands down!
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