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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Yes, kris with all the numbers. :-) Not many eyes in the ID forum. Main chat woulda be good for questions/warmings like this.
  2. Re Buddy, here are some pix from an ebay auction: (click to enlarge) edit: nevermind! I thought there were buddy boxes IN the ad, not just beside the ad. Sorry, I shoulda enlarged the pix before I posted. Been awhile since I looked at them closely.
  3. If you have Kris Dickey's contact info, ask her about them. She has posted packaging with something very much like them in it. I think they were from Asia. The packaging was sort of cute. Might have included some sort of toy to shoot them with? I'm a little fuzzy on that. But yeah, I think she would know.
  4. What difference in COE's would still be considered okay in general?
  5. lol. yeah, that's kinda funny that you'd forget the Berry Pink and the Sparklers! But we'll let you off the hook. You had a lot to keep track of.
  6. he's easier to reach than that. Hi Ken.
  7. oh wow, yeah, that one is a great example! I don't know that I would have guessed new on that one. I think probably I would have guessed old. Yeah, double checking, I'm pretty sure I would have guessed older.
  8. Thanks for the glimpses into the show. I'm still smiling trying to imagine how your Ed Sullivan impression sounds in person.
  9. Here's some brown. Not in the core though. http://cgi.ebay.com/Marbles-NM-13-16-white-latticino-core-/330429731488
  10. It's an adult marble chat site. PG-13 at least. It's been discussed whether the board should be G-rated or PG-rated, or something else. Some efforts were made to try to make it be more childsafe, but this didn't sit well with all the members or even all the mods. The concensus seems to be that this board was supposed to be less restrictive than that.
  11. Thanks for articulating that, Galen. The dark spots were the main thing standing out to me. That just didn't seem right.
  12. Also, for the book, does anyone know the story about large (or any size) guineas being found in Mexican packaging, sometime back? I heard just a tiny bit but now can't remember enough to even search for the original reference. Someone was going to pursue the lead. I think maybe someone from Running Rabbit? Ring any bells?
  13. Okay. I will do that. Have a safe trip. My condolences to your family.
  14. Nancy, I suspect the uploads aren't working because of the size. I resized the ones you sent me before I posted them here.
  15. I slide in here with a "yes, to the best of my understanding", and then go back to enjoying the real mibs! :-)
  16. Yes, Andrea. Thank you, Terry. 'Cupcakes' you say, Gail?
  17. Hi John. This is from a post he recently made:
  18. New name for me, but I like that layered effect. With the balloon of color inside.
  19. Neat! big ones! love the red, white and blue!
  20. Great name. Does "Wispler" cover all the German sparkler types, or a special part of them? More Wisplers please.
  21. Anyone have Wedding Cakes? Was looking for a good thread to send Douglas to but wasn't having a lot of luck. Figured others might like to see 'em too anyway. Thanks! edit: There are some at the bottom of this page at Joemarbles.com.
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