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Everything posted by Steph

  1. A discussion of Champ sizes would be interesting. I know (believe) and regularly use the fact (guideline) about Champ not making very sizeable marbles. But check out the contents of the sample bag on p. 66 of American Machine-Made Marbles. Luckily for you, Dani appears to have made the question moot for your marble with the dug Akro she posted at LOM. Makes so much sense . . . . now.
  2. Looking at my bolder blues, found some in Vitro and Japanese. I THOUGHT I had one which I got with some Heaton cullet but I can't find that one. It's kinda hard to see the detail on your vanes. Wondering if a pic of the mibs in water might help with that. I LOVE the rich blues.
  3. From a Morphy auction, May 13-15, 2010:
  4. $23,000 based on in depth study of current market trends and Chi-square analysis of the frequency of appearance of #1 guineas in Pennsylvania auctions in the last 20 years, and correlated with the corn futures for May. Or because my favorite number is 23.
  5. What's your question? There are two really nice marbles there. The Parrots. That 3rd Vitro shooter is kinda interesting to me, but I don't suppose it's worth that much. The Parrots appear to be the money marbles here.
  6. I explained already: "I don't want to be accused of posting it in an area where I have the moderator advantage and others can't defend themselves appropriately." I wanted you to feel free to respond to me without feeling any threat that I would receive special treatment. I didn't want to be accused of moderating you unfairly. I'd have been damned anywhere I posted it I guess. But just because I'm a moderator doesn't mean I have to check my feelings at the door. I had strong feelings. I felt a strong need to express them. So I chose a more neutral venue and invited people to meet me there.
  7. Nope, that's not what I said either. Only some are. LOL. And LOL, I didn't even say that. I said some must look like terrorists some of the time. A few won't cut anyone any slack. You've said more or less the same thing yourself. You just don't like it when I say it I guess.
  8. LOL. Yeah, that's what I said. Not. p.s., that is for sure a "be aware" mib. I want it.
  9. Oh yeah! A guinea box! Thanks for the link!
  10. OMG! Let's start with the 2 parrots! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually we might end with the 2 parrots. No wait, is that other shooter a Tiger Eye?! The smaller marbles might need more looks. Most look Jabo to me, but one looks like it could be one of them there Alleys. And if they're all Jabo, there's nothing wrong with that! Anyway, back to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! p.s., moving this to the main forum because we deserve to see some marbles, and boy are those some marbles!
  11. I'm not sure which marble Patry bought. Do yours and hers look more like that citrus group Galen showed, or more like the one Sandy posted? Or more like something else? Basically, I am unfamiliar with name. I hadn't seen Pink Grapefruit used in connection with the Citrus group, only with that one rainbo. So I am VERY curious myself. Hoping to learn something new here. :-)
  12. Here's the link at Poor Richard's Almanac. There's a place at the bottom for leaving comments on the piece. http://ourfriendben.wordpress.com/2010/04/08/breaking-news-for-jabo-lovers/
  13. I love the sparklies. I have some from an earlier, pre-pastel, run. They are fun!
  14. I remember a marble dubbed Pink Grapefruit. Also called a Pink Lemonade and a Pink Grapefruit Spritzer. Folks were having a fun name game with it. "Citrus" was brought up, but it was as a joke. It was this one. Sandy posted it.
  15. The Grey Coat appears to be a white based marble. With gray ribbons, not green. So looks like a pretty clear no on it being a Grey Coat. Yours sure looks interesting. I don't have any idea what its name might be though, other than what you described it as already.
  16. hehe. It sure was a good one. (as were Lloyd's and Derrick's) http://instantrimshot.com/
  17. From this one view, it almost looks like a brushed pincher-sorta-thing.
  18. Love that ad! And thanks for showing the top line! That was enough for me to figure out which company the ad was from. Been wondering about that for a long time.
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