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Everything posted by Steph

  1. That gallery bar at the top of the homepage has been fun to watch this afternoon. Someone's been posting some nice mibs in the gallery.
  2. er, I mean Good Deal! That really is a great name for a marble line. Even if the marbles weren't fun to look at, you'd almost want to get 'em for the name. lol
  3. Last night I learned how to make a fan page on Facebook. We might not get as many fans as the Nickelback pickle but we might be able to make something happen. Become a Rolling Art fan! . . . If that link still doesn't work try a search for Rolling Art Marbles Car. Made a group page too. LOL. I think this link works. Join the group!
  4. That's a nice little trick. I've been frustrated lately looking for the right boxes to fit. Thanks for the do-it-yourself reminder.
  5. Not sure what you're thinking of as a fiberglass marble, David. Doesn't sound like what marblemiser is talking about though. Lots of companies have made glass ingots for the making of fiberglass.
  6. Sounds like a nice line-up. Ya'll are gonna have a great time.
  7. Not counterfeit. Craig is known for his fantasy boxes. They're a nice way to display mibs. I think he signs them. Well, I think he signed and/or numbered some. I don't know about these. Just wanted to back off from the harsh sound of "counterfeit" with its connotations of something presented as real when it's not.
  8. Some dug Champs of mine, gift from Ron. The scan distorts some things, but I needed it for another thread, and so here it is for this one too. [Edit: Only the three closest to the left may be Champion. The others were found at or near the Champ site, but the Alley site is near the Champ site. Turns out they're likely Alley. So the remaining Champs are the two on the left in the middle row and the one on the left on the bottom row.]
  9. Okay, I'm honestly surprised. It now appears that Yellow Jackets were introduced after All-Reds. 1964 for Yellow Jackets. I hope I put "if I understand correctly" in all the posts where I may have said that Yellow Jackets were made in the 1950's.
  10. The bottom left one here is brown and black and has some orange peel texture. It's the one I most suspect to be salt-glazed. I figure the black one on the right is probably a Bennie but it's unusual so I haven't been sure. The other side is mostly white. There is some splatter of other colors but the black dominates. The brown one in the top middle is glassy smooth. Much smoother than it looks in the scan. I guess it might be a bennie but it looks different from my obvious bennies. Much smoother and a different shade. Has a few rough spots but nothing I'd call eye. The dark green one on the left is a stray oddball. I can't tell whether it's glass, ceramic, stone or bubble gum. Smoother than it looks in the pic but it has a rough spot which you can see. Also has a few red specks which look a little like oxblood. The AMT at the top right is there just to reward you for your patience with the others.
  11. Tell us more. I don't know the story behind the new old fashioned run(s)?
  12. Thanks Bo. Ooh, some nice contrast in the new group. Here's one which was tagged as a Bogard. 3 different kinds of glass in the vanes. Some transparent. Fascinating in hand.
  13. I'm going to disagree with that. Vitro's mibs with two colors in one vane are so common that it has been concluded they were intentional and thus perhaps not deserving of the name hybrid. I've heard that said anyway. I'm not saying not to call the Vitros hybrids but how can an intentional "hybrid" rob the name from, say, a marble which is truly a blend of more than one type, such as a changeover between runs. Maybe a marble such as mine in post #3 could more accurately be called "error". But as of this morning I'm standing by hybrid as a great name for them. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't remember anyone else ever saying that the name only applied to Vitros. Elizabeth? Paula? Am I full of it? . . . uh, on this subject? rofl Okay, we need more pix. LOL. Words bad. Marbles good.
  14. LOL. I'm excited to have them. I just didn't remember it! How could I forget them? I need to visit my marbles more often !!1!
  15. What are salt-glazed marbles? Who made them? P.s., when do you have too many marbles? I just found 3 micas. That may not sound like many to you. But I didn't remember having any. LOL. I might have too many marbles. But anyway, I have a black ceramic marble, which doesn't seem quite like a Bennington. And a couple of different looking brown ones also. And I'm wondering if any of them might be the kind I once upon a time saw described as salt-glazed.
  16. Nifty. Was that found at the AMT excavation site?
  17. p.s., here's Kedo. He has adopted my husband. Gray tail and gray spot on his head. And he's feisty.
  18. My fluffy boy is Brother. His short hair sibling is Joe. (Big guy was the Batweasel. And he had a white bikini. With a little white bowtie.) Brother is my soulmate actually. He was a consolation prize of sorts and turned out to be an indescribeable joy. He has a little white spot under his neck. That's the reason I have him - because my aunt didn't want the cat with the white spot. I chose Joe first, but had decided to take two. So I took that ugly spikey hair kitten with the white spot. And I named him Bad Hair Day. And took that ugly spikey hair cat home. And fell in love. He's fiercely faithful to me too. (lol @ ugly, but at the time, I had no idea how he would fill out and all I saw were the spikes. I wanted another sleek cat like the Batweasel used to be but I also wanted the spare kitten for Joe to play with, so there he was)
  19. Gorgeous boys! I never saw faces like that. So sweet and so sad. My two little boys (who are not at all little now) were litter mates. Their mother was siamese. Their father was a white barn cat. We are very close also.
  20. But don't get the idea that I like cats.
  21. Thanks Winnie. That's the bag. Does have a little different look to it. That's why it stood out to me. Gladding sounds good to me.
  22. That might have been it. Sounds about right. Thanks.
  23. I remember someone posted a bag of marbles which looked like Vitros. It might not have been marked Vitro though. The bag might have been Winnie's. My picture retrieval ability is all shot to heck, so I can't go look it up. So I thought I'd put this out there as an open question. Could be more fun that way. What do you have by way of modern-ish Vitro packaging? Or probable Vitros! :-) Say 1960 to 1990. Thank you very much.
  24. wow, I'd never seen one like that black and white.
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