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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Drop the marble. That will make it easier to get out.
  2. Don't forget to add info on how much they glow under blacklight. And in what hue.
  3. Not exactly a quarter pressed into clay. I was confused by the negative relief, but if it was pressed in, the image would come out backwards. right? I had misread something Alan said earlier. I thought he would be on the side of vintage. Now I'm down to one person I know saying likely vintage in private, and one anonymous vintage voter here. This one surprised me! Glad I posted!
  4. Interesting votes so far. 6 for definitely modern. 1 for likely modern. 2 for likely vintage. One for no idea. (One of the likely vintage votes is mine.) What is it which says "definitely modern" to so many?
  5. Is that a 4th red vane? Or is that a string of debris hovering over the center of the 3rd vane?
  6. Discussion of coin sulphides made me hunt this one up. This sold on ebay. I don't know who won it. The feedback I've received makes me lean toward it being old, but not positive. Actually rereading some old comments on it is making me lean even more toward old. So I probably don't need to post this now. But since I already have it typed, I will go ahead with it! LOL. It's a different looking mib, huh? Here was the seller's description:
  7. Steph


    I just noticed something. I was thinking of the red as being there because maybe Vitro had run out of black that day and were making a substitution. A literal replacement band. But on some of them at least it appears that the red was in the middle on purpose. Thinking specially of the ones with the black (brown) on the ends and the red in the middle. That one with the half black band and the black ends suddenly becomes more intriguing. Okay, I'm easily intrigued (lol), but still, that's weird.
  8. George sent several interesting ads, and Al sent another copy of the one he posted which got me wondering about Yellow Jacket dates. 1957 (check out the Blackies - I think this might be earlier than the more famous version of Blackies) 1957 July 1964 August 1964 (handle interpretations of this ad with care) 1965, again
  9. I think the four-finger is the one I've been calling an 8-finger. :-) Does this come up with Alan's old Vitro page for you? http://web.archive.org/web/20010818084127/marblealan.com/vitro/ p.s., Have you been to Joemarbles.com?
  10. I'll name a name . . . for the maker of these scenic chinas. Someone named Flessa in Germany. I've actually heard three spellings of the name. Vlessa and Flesse also. I welcome correction from someone with more intimate knowledge of the matter. Like Cees or Jeroen perhaps. But this is what I've heard and I choose to state the name because to this point it has seemed like mere rumor that this modern scenic maker might even exist. I think it is time to make it more concrete. But as I said, if I have any facts wrong, I welcome correction.
  11. Hi Suzie. What a nice post I hadn't seen the relisted auction but appreciated the seller's willingness to post a correction. Hunted the 2nd listing up in case anyone else was curious. Here that is. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180474242679
  12. Thanks for the kind words Gail. Oh gee, "four fingers" aren't ringing a bell. I better go to Alan's page to see what that is!
  13. I think it would be cool if we could talk about some of the marbles which bring high dollars in auctions because they're confused for older marbles. With examples and as much as we are able to know about when they were made. And with as little negativity as possible. We can complain about them being made, or we can try to learn about them. The choice might not be as cut and dried as that, but if there is too much negativity, then it seems that fewer people will participate in sharing information. These auctions are the ones which bring this to mind for me now. Marble blue with Cross 1,38 - 1,4 inch from Lauscha Ger EAGLE MARBLE GREEN SIZE 1,39 INCH Some pix from the auctions: (click to enlarge) Those are new. However, they are not made by the same person whom Hansel commissioned to make the coin sulphies in 2004. Norbert Geitner made those. If I'm not mistaken, this is one of Mr. Geitner's: I'm going to see if I can get pix of the coin sulphides made in 2004, and maybe of some of the other coin sulphides which were made before 2004. Someone named Didi was making those. Would love to hear from others. I've asked Lee (Marble Wife) to add whatever she can. She has access to a lot of different reproductions. Okay, let's have some fun now! LOL
  14. *groan* I really feel for you Gene. aaargh
  15. hehe, I did move it Sue. lol. It was in the restoration forum so I moved it but I left a link so I could move it back when it ran its course. Me too. I've heard people asking, and kept waiting with great interest for an answer. But never got a clear idea.
  16. Wow, what a difference! That's amazing.
  17. Juicy. Would the last one be deemed an auger? Do you know how many you have? lol
  18. LOL. I was watching it and was all impressed by someone devoting that much space in their garage to something like this. Took me quite a while to figure out this was a professional group who musta had lots of help with that and that they were in a warehouse or somethin'. DOH!
  19. Oh sheesh! who's still voting? I almost forgot today. bump bump bump. BJ might not make it. But he might. Not too late if we get more friends playing. Let's all of us at least hang on.
  20. Yes, very nice Jim! So mine is a fancy. If I say it a few times, I'll get used to the thought. With one side almost solid black, I didn't really notice the splatter colors until just recently. But it's a fancy. fancy. fancy. fancy. lol. Okay, I got it now. :-)
  21. David, check out p. 92 of American Machine-Made Marbles. That's about Libbey Owens Ford of Vienna, WV making rough marbles, not for play but for later use in making fiber glass. Being spherical, they move easily through the different things they have to go through - rolling along conveyor belts and such. I've seen short references here and there about marbles being made for fiber glass - being made on different continents. We marble collectors just don't hear about it because it's boring industrial stuff.
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