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Everything posted by Steph

  1. neato! How does it look lit up, in a dark room?
  2. Ditto Felicia! Maybe more of us collectors need to learn how to play! Time to start doing thumb exercises. One time I asked my husband if he would play with me. He said suuurrrre, if I could find some marbles I wouldn't mind getting dinged up. I did finally put together a jar of marbles like that! exactly with the idea of playing! But I never followed through. Maybe I'll go do some target practice now! LOL
  3. The most adorable prequel ... Whitney was destined to be a National Marbles Champion .... Whitney practicing her winning moment.....12 years before it was needed, lol Whitney's first National Marbles Tournament, just learning to shoot. Trying to take her first shot at 9 months..........those are itty bitty knee pads!!
  4. Debra Stanley-Lapic the National Marbles Champion of 1973 hasn't missed a national tournament in 37 years. She has a wealth of information, not to mention photos, which she'll share if there is interest. Here is the first installment ... from this year's tournament ... a very special event! I have the privilege of posting this time while the Lapic family is traveling, celebrating and unwinding! But Debra will be back to field your questions if you have any. Thank you, Debra! The pix and captions are classic! National Finals.....Whitney Lapic, Berks County, PA and Penelope Bauer, Allegheny County, PA The traditional kiss 2009 National Marble Champions....Ricky Brode, Cumberland, MD and Whitney Lapic, Berks County, PA Whitney shooting during National finals Lining up a shot Last years National Champs crowning the new champs Me crowning my daughter.....a very proud moment Mibsters with attitude, lol
  5. anyone have examples of polished pelts? Those can look odd ....
  6. There are a few marbles SOMEWHERE in here. 3 peewees and a bumblebee
  7. Here's a pair of pix showing how the poles can open up on an onionskin during polishing. I think they were from ebay. They were posted in a previous discussion.
  8. I'm confused? Were all those things posted on this board, or at least in public? Being proud of this board for planting its feet in the sand and standing up against abuse sounds like something I might have said. But I don't know that I said it in public. Lou and Sue did stand up against abuse. And they've been paying for it ever since. It's hard to stay balanced and positive when you're having crud slung at you on a regular basis. Actually, it's sort of a compliment to them how much some others want this board to suffer. There is a lot of gray area. Few people are 100% innocent in any given situation. Few hot situations are cleanly dealt with before more than one person has dirtied their hands in ways they generally wouldn't do. Situations wouldn't have gotten hot if everyone were contributing in a rational manner. But what free speech should be allowed? And what is too far? And what about the people who are savvy enough never to be direct yet who inflict much more damage than the people who are just awkward? The best bullies aren't going to get caught as often as the less practiced ones. Some talented bullies have Lou in their sights. They deftly poke fun at Lou for cutting the awkward people slack while saying nix to people who oughta know better. I've been annoyed when that standard has been applied to me. I know better than some of the other people, so I should behave better. The fact is that moderators have to make decisions on a case by case basis, in context. No set of rules will ever be made to cover every situation specifically, and someone will be upset with how the rules are interpreted. There are people who are trying to hurt this board. I think that by reacting to it, we're letting 'em do it. Same way I let them hurt me, when I couldn't help reacting to it. But reacting hurt both me and the board more. It's tough. How much do you take? and how much does Lou allow? The critics won't allow that gray area could be decided on a case by case basis. They outright call Lou a hypocrite for taking past events into consideration when making a decision. Two similar seeming cases could get called two different ways, based on consideration of the big picture. It's a reasonable thing to do but the people who scorn this board are going to say it is hypocrtical. It doesn't matter what is said here. They're going to say it is hypocritical. They'll find SOMETHING wrong no matter what is said. And when it gets hard to find something specific wrong they can always fall back on making fun of the people on a more personal level. So, really what is the point in responding? Certainly not changing the critics. But people still feel a need to vent when they've been attacked. It's understandable. I sure feel it. ;-) I vented at the Alley though. ;-) Coz this is a marble board. And the Alley is Almost Anything Goes.
  9. He's been gone after on some fronts. He is persona non grata here and at LOM. He registered a new name at LOM and posted this very marble last month. He thanked us for the "useful information" we gave him. And then he listed it as a CAC anyway. He doesn't seem to be violating ebay's policies most of the time since the companies whose names he is bandying about aren't in business anymore and won't sue them for trademark violation. And I don't think the couple of people who may have contacted his local police department were considered compelling enough to respond to. Someone who has actually been taken by him needs to (a) realize it and (b ) do something about it. Gonna be hard to get the right person for that job. Maybe someone with some bucks to burn and the knowhow can become one of his victims and then contact the right authorities to get action. In the meantime, he seems to get a great thrill from flaunting his doublespeak auctions and forgeries. This is one of the few he's listed recently where he's outright declared the wrong thing about it. Usually he just sort of alludes to what he wants people to conclude and many seem to fall for it.
  10. When the culture makes something seem cool, kids want to take part in their own way. When "adult" is defined by what sort of things you need to be of age to check out from a video store, instead of in more old-fashioned terms such as the ability to take responsibilty, kids think it's more cool to be that kind of adult than to be the quiet hero kind. Maybe I'm not saying it exactly right, but the idea seems clear to me on a very common sense level. But sometimes people are laughing too loud to get the sense. If the most prominent adults in a kids life are spending as much as it sometimes seems competing to get the biggest laughs, and if the subject matter doesn't matter as long as it delivers the laughs, then what are they teachin' the kids?
  11. modern chinese handmade pretty sure they can still be had for a buck or two.
  12. that also bugged me. that's the kind of fold which seems to pop up in dug akros on a semi-regular basis. if it's dug who knows what would happen? not arguing. just saying. that's also keeping me mystified. But the Vitro voices are calling from across the moors ..... ooooohhhhh vitrroooooooo
  13. If you think we might be able to help with the pix, let us know! It would be awesome to see them. I did see a 25 second video showing Whitney being crowned. http://wfmz.com/view/?id=1218630
  14. Thanks Edna for the compliment! And thanks Dani for saying "vitro". That's what I was wondering about. Sounds as if Edna was getting at that too. But to tell the truth, I'm still mystified. The base is messin' with my head.
  15. Well, she did it! Congratulations to Whitney! And to you, Debra!
  16. All from round your neighborhood Brian?
  17. Steph

    Anacortes Bag

    Supposedly Pink and Peltier had financial interests in each others' company. or so it has been said. don't know how formal that was. Stacy, how's this for a start? Wrangling marbles on a scanner is tricky. Some features could be highlighted better but this is pretty close up ... (click to enlarge)
  18. The black corks are a great group Edna! Nice!
  19. Steph

    Anacortes Bag

    P.P.S., That's one bag I'd try not to open, in spite of the wasps! But I might have to got out and buy half a dozen other wasps to keep me from being tempted to pull those out!
  20. oh that pink is scrumptious, John! yeah, I know, of all the things to care about, right? with the left hand twist, and the mica, and the Akron ceramics .... but that's pink!
  21. Steph

    Anacortes Bag

    Cool one! I've seen other MK/Pelt crossovers, especially in that style of packaging. p.s., omigosh, those are some pretty rainbows!
  22. Steph

    Anacortes Bag

    Not quite true ... I have a few other unopened bags I now recall, unopened for different reasons. But several open ones anyway. :-) Darn, it's starting to be hard to keep track of all my marbles! Ugh, I have too many. Okay. No more. Done collecting now. :rol: :icon_lmao: :rol:
  23. Steph

    Anacortes Bag

    Sure Ray. :-) I've opened other bags. I've been okay with it so far, mostly. One bag only have I chosen not to open. The Fairygrand cat's eyes I was given recently, the "Empire Made" bag with the odd WL marking. (a mystery! and a cherished gift!) I have a tin in which the Anacortes bag fits nicely as is. The tin is lined with 3 layers of bubblewrap. "If" I open the bag, I'll do it neatly and put it below the bubble wrap. The marbles will rest safely above. The collectible value will be lost, but the educational value will be saved. And I'll get to see the marbles. My main regret in something like this has been my Bicentennial bags which I've opened and mixed in with other marbles. I got them early on and was overwhelmed with things to keep track of. Next bicentennial bag might actually stay closed but at the very least it will be specially repackaged for sake of preserving it's origin for myself and those who trust my labelling! :-)
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