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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I agree that the first is closer to what I think of as the actual nut color. And "minty" is also a word which comes to mind when I see the 2nd. I thought the 2nd was called pistachio when folks were describing marble colors though, so I wanted to get confirmation. I think I have. The question now is, is yours also called pistachio ... by marble people, that is?! ?? And another question is who made it? p.s., does yours fluoresce?
  2. In Little Lord Fauntleroy, 1936, with Freddie Bartholomew. The boy plays marbles with his grandfather. You get a pretty good view of them. There are some swirls, maybe a few patches and some larger white-ish marbles with a little bit of marble-ing. I think those could be jaspers. With that date, I think the only choices for the swirls are Alleys and Ravenswoods. Right now I'm leaning toward Ravenswood. Go get the movie and tell me what you think! LOL
  3. Thanks for all the input so far! Did Alley use a pistachio base too? Who might have used it in their patch (non-swirl) type marbles? Master? Akro?
  4. p.s. here are two candidates for Pistachio. Do you agree with either or both, as far as the name for a color in marbles?
  5. Two questions. 1. What shade is 'pistachio' to you? 2. Which marble makers had pistachio in their color palette? Sorry Bob ... not trying to distract from the clear thread! which is progressing magnificently! I have a specific reason for this question. :-)
  6. and the new Jabo Joker cyclone is oxblood in clear ...
  7. I thought I'd see how Kevin's spun honey mib photographed outside: not bad ....
  8. Tim, how about Vitro on #2 and #3? #1, the wirepull ... the name which comes to mind is Hopf & Hopf. I don't know how many other people may have made them also.
  9. What a shock. Prayers for strength and comfort to her family. This is such sad news. Things will be so different without Patry.
  10. What they call Type IV Tiger Eyes are opaque. There are also Tiger Eyes and Tiger Eye kin which are not in that list of four types. For example the transparent whities are not in that list, but at least count as kin. And count as actual Tiger Eyes in some people's book. Edna is the first person I remember grouping blackies with tiger eyes, but it does make sense. Of course they were sold under their own name, but the construction looks the same. . imho. ah, you added another question while I was typing ... Vitros which aren't veneered? how about the tri-lites? Hope someone else can address your question more fully. I felt up to the challenge when it was only about opaque Tiger Eyes. :-) About the rest of the Vitro possibilities ... well ...
  11. I got some of those latest creations in the mail today! straight from Dave! (*faint*) I'll post them in a separate Jabo thread though and leave this one open for folks to add their traditional Vitros.
  12. Don't worry about that! !!! Stand up right now and take a bow! You are :cool sign:
  13. The Vitro book says the Parrots and Parakeets are "related to the Tiger-Eye line". :-) m!b$, by 'on a veneered base', do you mean on clear base? Tiger Eyes aren't always on a clear base. I think they are always veneered though.
  14. Since I've sidetracked the subject, I'll try to bring it back! I continue to get a kick out of the juxtaposition of these two images. Dave/Orbboy's parrot on the left and Ant's 1" Jabos on the right. Jabo did "inherit" Vitro's marble machines when they bought the company, and I think I read somewhere that there was one particular machine used for making these big 'uns. I still need to nail that down. In any case the chances sure seem good that the same machine made all of these. And I like that thought!
  15. cool! square-ish is a good word for the patch. and so is the qualifier "usually". A few are working on some sort of bird or earflap on the side. Many are distinctly rectangular.
  16. Bam! that was fast Alan! Beautiful marbles, as always. Bob, I think you came up with a good one!
  17. do not giggle do not giggle do not giggle do not giggle do not giggle bahahahaha sorry, but that's really funny Jill Marie I knew you would have loved it. wondered why you hadn't said anything!
  18. Edna, I fear that some of your vitro oxblood may have changed into akro oxblood since you got them. That's not a joke! I think the 'accepted' i.d. may have changed on a couple of them. You know, like how helmets changed from Akro to Vitro. And corals changed from CAC to Champ or Alley or whatnot.
  19. I have a guess now. Since we've ruled out both Akro and Master as making peewees as regular production items, I need another choice. My choice is Alley. We know Alley made peewees. Galen has/had a mosaic set with Alley peewee swirls. My greens look right, comparing them in hand to the ribbons on some Alley swirls. The structure looks very much like the tiny red patch shown on p. 42 of Amer. Mach.-Made Marbles. Not all of them look identical to that patch, but some look extremely close, with basically only the patch color changed. How scandalous an idea is this?
  20. Vitro did a lot of export business over the years. Don once posted a bag of blackies which were exported to Australia, and then made it back home to him 50 years later.
  21. What I'm wondering about right now in connection with Vienna is, what's Parmico? Is that another name for Vienna? AMMM calls 1932 - 1945 the "Vienna/Parmico era". I think I'd better read the Vitro section from start to finish before I say anything else.
  22. Speaking of Vienna vs. Parkersburg ... I think these marbles were made in Vienna ... Still the package says Parkersburg. They always used a Parkersburg mailing address even before they moved the factory there. Amer. Mach-Made Marbles says Vitro probably discontinued the use of the Vitro logo on the lid in the late 30's. (if I'm reading correctly)
  23. That looks like a 1940's era item. IMHO If someone else knows/suspects otherwise, it would be good to hear. (thanks!)
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