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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    My ladies

    We had visitors for the past couple of weeks -- my girls liked the visitors' vertical litter box. That's what the first picture above is about. Then with the visitors gone, the girls enjoyed having their living room back. They were actually relaxed for the middle picture. Then in the last picture where they reached out to each other, Bear got tense. See her ears laid back. There was a spat after that. But so much progress. Very happy.
  2. Steph

    My ladies

    My big girl Bibi (age 5) and my little girl Bear (going on 9 months) are finally starting to be able to be near each other without going nuclear each and every time. Still not perfect. But so much better than in months three through seven.
  3. That is a nice sampling of marbles from different eras. A good start to the hobby. Make sure you keep these together with a note that they were from your grandmother. I mention this because once you get into marbles it's easy for them to start rolling around together and things you think you wouldn't forget start to get fuzzy. So start documenting early! And welcome!
  4. Steph


    Wow! 2024? Oh, I needed that. *stretch*
  5. Looks like you have a lot on your plate! Welcome.
  6. Hello. Welcome. I'm making the rounds to catch up on what I missed. I missed a lot of marble pictures in intro threads! Oolala.
  7. How did I miss this topic?! "Fire Opal", by the way, was the winning name in the Prize Name contest. That winning name was supposed to be what the two color opaque corks were called from then on. But instead the weird "Prize Name" label stayed attached to the corks and "Fire Opal" got pinned on the colored flinties you mentioned.
  8. Steph


    I'm tired! Wake me up in 2022. Second half.
  9. They both look delicious. Quiet Christmas here! And happy about it. Even with a friend who surprised us with a visit ... still quiet ... as he is sleeping in the livingroom right now and I'm typing here in the dark.
  10. So nice to see you are still inspired to build! And still inspiring me. Love this idea.
  11. What percentage of the Kokomo ID's that you see do you actually believe in? There are some very standard Kokos. And then there are all the rest. I see people seeking Koko ID's and often getting them based on as little as a shade of red as it appears on a computer screen, for example. And I wonder how much people on both sides of the ID really believe it. The hopeful people with the marble or the helpful people with the ID. My thought is that I don't feel at all comfortable putting a "might be Koko" marble in the same container as my "pretty darn sure these are Koko" marbles. I don't feel so strongly any more about, say, Marble Kings which look like Vitro All-Reds. They can go together. But Kokos I still feel strongly about. I get the feeling that a lot of people take "might be Koko" as "good chance Koko" and then feel comfortable putting it in their pretty-darn-sure Koko cabinet without any explanatory notes. This seems to be a shift from when I started collecting, when for example I got praise from Chuck Brandstetter for biting my tongue whenever I kinda sorta wanted to bring up "might be Koko" in an ID. The lesson I got from him was that "might be" should be translated as "probably not" and then the marble should be put in some other cabinet and the K-word should never be uttered again. There are few people whose Koko ID's I trust, and even with those people I'd feel better if they were able to say they got their similar marbles from a Kokomo dumpsite or the estate of a Kokomo employee, or something as nice as that.
  12. I made a brief search for my tans to see what variety I had. Then I gave up ... for the time being. But here are my Imperial pics that I took for the seams thread.
  13. Gladys, I understand why you thought foreign. A lot of the color fits, especially that peachy tan. And there's a bit of spidering at the cutlines. But I don't know. That's a whole lot of color and a whole lot of texture change for the tan Imperials that I suspect you're thinking of.
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