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Everything posted by aleecee

  1. Our trip to Canton was tons of fun! Got to meet many new friends (like John-SNYD, Randy-killer marbles, Paul-idigjars) and see some old ones too (Bill-Romanoak, Griff-whosenameistoolongtotypelol, Craig-buckeye..etc) Our marble lovers dinner at Tim's tavern was a good time. Everyone seemed to love their food and the company was great...a terrific way to get to know each other. There were lots of folks and marbles to buy and trade during in room trading, but I have to say, the actual show day was sparse. There were at least 5-6 vendors that I know of that were not there. My husband and I most enjoyed the social aspect of this show....marble people are so nice, friendly, fun and sooo willing to share what they know. Here are a few pix...enjoy!
  2. I get to be hands on with these (keep it clean all!!) when Morphy's has them for sale. They are surely amazing in hand
  3. FYI for all Canton bound folks...A group of marble lovers will be meeting in the lobby of the hotel on Fri nt at 5:00..heading to Tim's Tavern for dinner. Tim's specializes in beer battered fish, hush puppies and other "healthy" fare (they really do offer some healthier choices!). We have a group of about 11 so far..all are welcome! Bring your love of marbles, desire to make new friends and to actually see some of these forum folks that we've all been talking to!! Let me know if you are interested, so I can be sure the restaurant knows how big a group we will be...Alyce
  4. Hi Craig..we'll be in Canton...I'll be sure to say HI!
  5. Hi Gregor..I am aleecee, also known as AlyceS..I believe you are the Greg I met at the "marble meet" in Columbus..correct?
  6. Mine does look more like that...thanks! As far as the "glow" goes Bob, may just be the way the light hit it...I shot it on the windowsill...best light in my house
  7. Hi Winnie...A friend and I exchange German and American marbles. This was in the lot he sent...is it the same as yours? My pix are pretty poor compared to yours but take a peek! thanks, Alyce
  8. Thanks Steph...as you an see I did not have big plans for today. Hit up an auction this am (nothing good!) and being lazy right about now....
  9. Ok, the last one, I promise..someone stop me!
  10. Hi, hit BB's's again on Sat...I might be addicted! Got a huge bag of Werthers hard candies for a buck (Walmart=4.95), box of Totinos pizz rolls (my son loves these as a snack) for 99 cents, Special K cereal bars for 1.49 (I think around 4 bucks in the store), snack sized bags of Wheat thins for 10 cents a bag..crazy! The produce was still cheaper than the grocery store, but not as drastically reduced and was good. Bought a big bag of apples and made applesauce..yum yum!
  11. We just found a place in Quarryville Pa that is a food outlet of sort...BB's! We now travel with a soft sided cooler and ice packs just in case our auction areas take us near BB's. I was in grocery overload mode! First of all, the place is small and packed. Tons of stuff..but like Wade said, you have to check dates ( I learned how to read the cryptic dates on a Red Barrons frozen pizza via Google..Julian calendar; odd) . They had produce as well, which was good and oh-so cheap! They have jackets you can borrow to go into the freezer section..wasn't yet brave enough to try meat or cheese. We had fun and got some really good buys.
  12. Here is my "Bulgarian Curiosity"..it is kind of pretty in a strange sort of way. The glass is certainly very funky with a poor finish on the marble. I bought one with the weird "outie" type pontil. Has lots of bubbles.
  13. I bought one too, as a curiosity...will post a pic when I can..
  14. looks like a Heron Bob...gorgeous photo, as are all of yours!
  15. I'm with you Morgan! I can buy marbles at a show or via the net but there is nothing like the thrill of finding them at an auction, waiting, waiting some more and the thrill of the bid and (of course) the win! Quite satisfying ( I exercise my right to ignore the negatives of an auction at this time!!!)
  16. Daddy I want possums in MY backyard and I want them NOW! They are soooo cute!
  17. Hi Eggie! Not sure if I can make out all the stages from the pix..this marble has lovely colors; so vibrant!
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