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Everything posted by cheese

  1. I'd go with Alley at that size.
  2. I had a feeling they were going to be on the smaller side. I agree with Ric. RW 3x I think.
  3. Nice one Ric. I know of 3 alley types with these colors or close. Hard to find for sure!
  4. Agreed on Master here.
  5. I think I see a bubbly foggy base? If so I'm with a late Akro.
  6. Imperials for sure. I bought them as a kid in the 80s. Back then we called them rainbows because of the different color stripes. I can't believe I actually wanted these as a kid lol, they are so common now but back then they weren't seen much, at least for me. Al, is it the color combo that puts them back to the 70s? I do remember buying these 3 color striped ones in the 80s but might not have been the same colors, or they could have been stock that was still being sold?
  7. Whew, even better. I was thinking if those were Jabos they were going to be tough to tell it.
  8. I think Josh was showing similar JABOs, not saying the OP marbles are JABOs. That and joking about how people tent to think a group of same mint marbles makes people automatically think they must be JABOs. Marbleneophyte, the latter marbles are St. Mary's Alleys except the yellow, it could be but not as sure.
  9. We dug lots of them, that is the most common color combo for them. They used to be said to have been made at ravenswood before the digs. One of the guys who worked at Heaton as a kid came over and told us that the night shift would come in drunk and not get much work done and the marbles they made would still be too hot to handle by the day shift the next day and they were getting in trouble for it. So, they rolled the barrels out into the cold WV night air to try to cool them faster and it backfired. They found out afterwards that it was fracturing all the marbles they did that to and they had to dump them. They went over the steeper side off the loading dock. We dug there and found the halves and here are some, proving to my satisfaction that these and several other types were made at Heaton.
  10. Heaton Sweet Potatoes. Check the jar more closely, I bet there are a lot more Heatons with what you got.
  11. West Virginia is where nearly all older US marbles were made. Green and white is a common color combo.
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