Lol, ok. I am not an authority... I know just enough to be dangerous . Anyway... I think this is a point of contention for a lot of akro collectors. I only say I think it's a blend or reaction for 2 reasons. (please don't think I'm being argumental... I just like to discuss this stuff to learn!) One is because if you look at most akros with this type of green and yellow, there is often a thin brown line at the border where they meet, just like there is often a grey or black line where yellow and blue meet. Even in the prize names in the box sets I posted yesterday. If it was a 3rd color, they wouldn't have called them prize names, they would have put them in a box marked specials. In ceramics, glaze is crushed glass powder that is painted on the clay to be melted in the kiln. If you put certain colors together, you get crazy blends like this when they meet. The other reason is that on akro corks with introduced colors, the colors go all the way to the cut line at the end of the ribbon/stream. You can see the stream of that color where it got sheared off and sometimes wiped by the shear or smeared or however you describe it. This picture isn't super clear, but it looks like green and yellow were the only two colors that got sheared, the rest happened in the hot marble. (I think) I would love to know what others think so I can adjust my stance if needed.