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Everything posted by cheese

  1. Wow. I could pass an entire rainy day right there in front of that cabinet!
  2. If it helps to see both alley and CAC side by side, Alley on right, CAC on left:
  3. Here is some cullet from Cambridge that might help... or not I see the "thorn" show up again on the little piece of cullet: And some cullet, also from CAC, that shows how clear the glass can be:
  4. I think the difference between mine and Matts is just the difference in time of production. I imagine every time they ran this color combo, they didn't exactly match the batch they ran a couple months or years before. I imagine they could have changes in characteristics due to temp changes, changes in the glass they got from their suppliers, tweaks and repairs made to the machinery, efforts to cheapen the process, etc... Just my speculation.
  5. CAC made a similar one, but the green and red were very opaque and little to no bleed between the colors or clear in the matrix if I remember right. Plus the ribbon looks different. I have one or two I can dig out I think.
  6. CAC had some really crystal clear glass too, without bubbles.
  7. I didn't know it was CAC, but I felt it more than the others because of the crystal clear, the straight cut lines on the ribbons, and the "thorn" on the ribbon at 4:00 or so in the last picture on the left marble. That and the swirl pattern seemed more like CAC. I got lucky and guessed right.
  8. Here are some of mine IDed as St. Mary's alleys to compare. The green ones are on the slightly smaller side I noticed, but mine are 19/32" or so (not peewees).
  9. If I had them, I think I'd be looking at them through CAC tinted glasses.
  10. Dang, I should pay better attention! If they were 5/8ish I would stick with St. Marys alley, but at less than 1/2" I don't know about that.
  11. If it really is red, I agree, it's a hybrid.
  12. Looks like St. Mary's alley to me.
  13. Not a furnace but it's a really cool mib! I don't know what it is either.
  14. Wow, some nice stuff y'all posted here! I pulled some of mine out and I just can't say that any 3 are my favorite. I narrowed them down to these and narrowing them down got harder and harder. I figured I'd post these and say that if I had to only keep a few, they would probably be mostly on the front row. The moody blues is probably my favorite.
  15. Some sold in an advertising box for Weather Bird Shoes
  16. No, they don't bring much, it's just one I would have plucked out because it's old, and worth more than a dime marble like a lot of them in the pic. It might be worth a couple dollars. That red/white/blue one almost out of the pic in the right corner, is that one of the popeyes in the other pics?
  17. Ha! Yes, dang all these names! Anyway, same concept, wrong name I typed!
  18. Lol, ok. I am not an authority... I know just enough to be dangerous . Anyway... I think this is a point of contention for a lot of akro collectors. I only say I think it's a blend or reaction for 2 reasons. (please don't think I'm being argumental... I just like to discuss this stuff to learn!) One is because if you look at most akros with this type of green and yellow, there is often a thin brown line at the border where they meet, just like there is often a grey or black line where yellow and blue meet. Even in the prize names in the box sets I posted yesterday. If it was a 3rd color, they wouldn't have called them prize names, they would have put them in a box marked specials. In ceramics, glaze is crushed glass powder that is painted on the clay to be melted in the kiln. If you put certain colors together, you get crazy blends like this when they meet. The other reason is that on akro corks with introduced colors, the colors go all the way to the cut line at the end of the ribbon/stream. You can see the stream of that color where it got sheared off and sometimes wiped by the shear or smeared or however you describe it. This picture isn't super clear, but it looks like green and yellow were the only two colors that got sheared, the rest happened in the hot marble. (I think) I would love to know what others think so I can adjust my stance if needed.
  19. After taking a second look, you may be right. It does look like it has a melted flat spot look, rather than just a concentric hit like I first thought it was. Good call!
  20. Nice popeyes! Those are sought after as well! I still can't decide on the hybrid... in this pic it looks red, in the other pic it looks brown. If it's red, I'd say definite hybrid. If it's brown, I'd withdraw that and just say it's a better popeye. The bottom one is not a clown, just a regular pelt rainbo.
  21. Oh man, now you've got my attention! I love those NLR pelts (remember NLR when you were asking about the cub scout, well these are some). The blue/yellow is one. The blue/red/yellow is a superman. The blue/reddish orange is a superboy, the green/reddish orange is a flaming dragon. The black/red/white is a rebel. The red/white/blue is a liberty. All sought after marbles and some of yours have great patterns. Don't let them bang around and get any little chips or marks, there is value there. The last 2 pics... first is a group of 3 pelt rainbos, the last is some sort of WV swirl.
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