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Everything posted by cheese

  1. Nope, not a vacor on the red one, it's an akro. Nice. I'm not sure the popeye is hybrid. I think it's a blend/reaction. I think the blend was intentional, but not an introduced color.
  2. Yep, it's a crease pontil transitional I believe, but it has damage. The pelt goes with those other multi-colors you had pictured in one of these posts.
  3. I know, right? If I recall, they also had new old metal pedal cars and lots of other old toys they found. They were selling this stuff at a flea market. These boxes of marbles were the only ones they had. I was a kid at the time, but my mom new how much I loved marbles and even though I didn't have the $60 for them, she did . I am so grateful for that!
  4. I'm not positive, but it looks like on the box there are marks where the string probably was criss crossed and tied to hold the lid on. I didn't find the boxes, they were bought off the person who did find them. I think it was their family's store that had been closed and boarded up for decades, then a lot of cool stuff was found when it was cleaned out in the 1980s or so.
  5. They have never been apart, the marbles are original to the boxes. Found in the attic of an old general store maybe 30 or so years ago.
  6. Here are a couple akro boxes from my collection. The original postcard and strings are included.
  7. Yeah, I'm not sure if they are hybrid or not either. Closer pics would help confirm/deny. Brown is a common blend between the yellow and green on those.
  8. Yes, typo... the K is next to the L and I hit it by mistake.
  9. I agree, that's a rainbo. It's not the NLR type.
  10. Another akro popeye bottom right. You might have found your example of weak oxblood in the marble top right corner... small mib of white with thin brick colored lines. That's an akro. Center frame, bottom row, 5th from right might possibly be a vitro cosmic rainbow, not sure. I'm just naming ones of significance. There are a couple nice pekt mcs and patches there too.
  11. Take pics of different angles of the marbles in groups of 3 or so. Try to show every place where you see the ribbons end. This is called the seam or cut line and is very helpful in providing information as to who made the marble.
  12. There are 2 of more significance here, both are akro popeyes. The blue/yellow/white/clear at 7:00 or so, and the one like it at 2:30 or so with green in place of the blue. Both types of corkscrews. Check the marble touching the green/yellow popeye at 8:00 with the green bubbly clear. See if it has red on it as well... might be a pelt clown but I don't think so.
  13. Not much of significance there. The yellow/blue/clear pelt MCS I'd pick out of that, and maybe the red and white one under it because it looks like it could possibly be a transitional.
  14. It's beat up glass. Wounded warrior!
  15. The red/black/blue swirl on the far right is a modern chinese import.
  16. I don't think I see any oxblood here, but there are some good marbles here, better than silver oxbloods. Those pelts in the top right segment need more pics. I'm thinking there is at least one superman there (value) and maybe some more in the same family. There might be a rebel there, not sure. Maybe also a flaming dragon. Take more pics of those showing different views. The ones under the shooters on the left, the red, black, white one and the red, white, blue one need more pics. They might be good ones. The segment to the right of those is a mix of stuff, maybe a pelt sunset, a vitro phantom conqueror, etc...
  17. A mix of akro and peltier patches.
  18. Top segment is hard to ID... some swirls and maybe a 6 ribbon rainbo? Second segment is master brushed patches. Last segment looks like benningtons.
  19. The big one on the left looks like a vitro parrot. In the top segment you have a vitro and a couple swirls mixed in with the pelts.
  20. Also the yellow/clear one on the border on the right is an akro corkscrew called a snake. The red one below it has a vacor look, but it could also be an akro, depending on more pics of it.
  21. Top two sections are akro corkscrews. The B/W patches under the corks on the left are peltier peerless patches (PPP) and the translucent ones might be realers. The one by itself in that section with the PPPs might be an akro or something else. To the right of those are more corkscrews. Next section down and to the left is a group of akro popeyes, possibly one that is hybrid. To the right of those are some corks, maybe all. The yellow ones in the bottom left segment look to be mostly pelts with maybe an akro moss agate or two mixed in. The bottom right is a group of West Virginia swirls that look to be most or all Alleys.
  22. That's a weird one! Looks mostly vitro to me, but being dug and having ox and akro-ish looking seams... ???
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