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Everything posted by slagmarble

  1. What you're calling celery green definitely comes over an inch, as an example, the one I've got is around 1-1/16" or so and handgathered.
  2. Coming along nicely! I'm hoping by this weekend to go dig out my stuff and see what I can find to show. How often are you coming across aquas that are in the +/- 1" range? I've seen more reds over the years, maybe 3:1, so depending on your luck that might be a good one to try to corner sooner rather than later.
  3. There are non-electric, non-vaseline yellow slags that are more of a canary yellow in color. Not common, and the one that comes to mind is handgathered. The slag sections in the books are often wildly inaccurate.
  4. I don't personally think of electric orange as a slag more of an S/T but that aside I think you can find most (all?) of those colors up to an inch and down to a peewee it's just going to take a while. There is also a gray/brown slag that CA made I've seen in box rows but don't recall seeing them larger than maybe 5/8" or so, maybe a box collector will chime in and show. There are also at least two distinct aquas out there, apricot, don't recall if I've seen a lavender that is indisputably CA but those get large too 7/8"+.
  5. Seemed OK to me even when it was around 2 grand but then it went into orbit. I like the large Leighton in the bunch and there is a nice brick...can't tell hardly anything about condition from the photos with that many marbles to look at. Not to mention 2 jars never got poured out!
  6. http://www.ebay.com/itm/WOW-3-Large-Apothecary-Jars-of-Antique-Handmade-Marbles-Free-Ship-/182054631995?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&nma=true&si=nBxvgmc8v3Xjwm5er42MkfQM8j8%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
  7. Speculation...was blue cheaper to make? 2/2 have a double row
  8. slagmarble


    Might be a chunk of oven brick as an as-made but even if that popped later on in its life its a keeper
  9. slagmarble


    Yes, and not modern
  10. Here's another oddball...Purple - Lavender - ??????. Whatever it is it looks like a cool gray color in normal light and backlights to an extremely pale blue.
  11. They have a few traits in common... 1. Seams, even if they aren't obvious they are there somewhere. It's also not unusual to have all of the surfaced opaque white limited to one 'side' with the other being submerged. 2. The feathering isn't limited to just the surface of the marble and even if the opaque white dies off somewhere inside there is an optical effect like sugar dissolved in water that traces the same pattern below the surface.
  12. Accident or no I've never seen one of these before...still looking for that clear...
  13. Some nice stuff in that jar, how big is the blue on the left and the big vaseline?
  14. Anyone around here know who currently owns this marble? Photo came out of Everett Grist's Big Book of Marbles plate 353. It mentions that Lloyd Huffer had it but I recall asking him and apparently he doesn't any longer. Thanks
  15. Let's have a peak at that Peltier if you don't mind so I can be envious haha...
  16. They can get up just over an inch. Christensen has a neat green tinted vaseline that also comes handgathered. Someone on one of these boards (Buckeyedr?) had that same green on a feathered Peltier, interesting and unusual marble.
  17. I've got a real weakness for those 9's so my opinion will always be biased. What are we looking at in the second group middle row far right? A weak American Agate or...? That is a killer brick you've got there one in from the left on the top row. -Brad
  18. Wouldn't surprise me if this turned out to be a transitional of some type because of what looks like chunks in the white. When I think of CA HG's the pattern on your new red slag listing comes to mind which IMO is spot on. I don't suppose you have any more of these greys Bob? My gut told me I should have put in a higher maximum and of course congratulations to the winner. -Brad
  19. In my experience lavender is up there in rarity but peach is still the hardest to find color. You can split lavender into 2 main types, the bluish-purple you show here and a reddish-purple (pink) the rarer of the two. The largest I've found so far is 3/4" so I'd say the size is good too. -Brad
  20. Sue, I linked Lou's tutorial back on post #8, it can be found here. -Brad
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