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Everything posted by sclsu

  1. I actually have ignored this term in my limited marble experience. I group all my swirl type Marbles together and then separate by manufacturer if apparent or color/style. I think a lot of new collectors use WV swirls to encompass all old swirls, since most books infer that a majority of swirls were made in that region
  2. For individual marbles I take a few packing peanuts (the squishy ones, not rigid) and wrap them around the marble with a piece of tape. I ship them in a 6×10 padded envelope, which are fairly cheap on amazon. EBay does offer discounts on shipping supplies when you have a basic subscription but I haven't used them
  3. sclsu


    I was thinking akro or mk blended
  4. I saw that one too, and my first thought was it was black w/aventurine that had been in the ground for some time. I have some dug peerless patches that have the same silver color in spots. Perhaps yours has some aventurine?
  5. There are some bananas that were purple or brown, so I could see a dark hue of either of those looking black. The closest I could find in my collection is a normal brown color though
  6. I definitely have a pile of these that could go either way, but I call it vitro when the colors are bold, the patch is more symmetrical on either side of the seam and the white around the center has some consistency to its thickness around the marble and looks close to meeting at the seam. I call it mk if the color is thinner and duller, and the patch is off center in relation to the seam
  7. I marked the ones I think are vitro with a v, and the ones I think are marble king with an m. The one in the middle I could go either way. Edit: changed my mind on the bottom right corner, I think vitro.
  8. sclsu

    This Slag

    Here are some pics at 5x zoom. As you can see, it's pretty beat, which make getting good pics tough
  9. sclsu


    That is my thought, but I wanted to get others opinions. Measures 3/4".
  10. sclsu

    This Slag

    Any ideas? Doesn't look akro to me, but I'm sure it is possible. Measures 21/32".
  11. I thought onyx. I just questioned it because of the hint of orange. Most of my red onyx's have a solid white cork
  12. Is it a cardinal red corkscrew or an onyx?
  13. If my arrows are right, it would be a kurly blush
  14. I can't seem to tell if it is one continuous ribbon. Measures just around 5/8". Also, it has a slightly cloudy white in a clear base glass, turned a little yellow from the flash
  15. I have this blue on blue, but idk if it would be considered an ace
  16. I have seen lots of memorabilia from the 1893 expo. I have a few coins and pins from it but there are plenty of others as well.
  17. sclsu

    Swirl For Id

    I have never seen an opaque akro swirl
  18. Measures just over 9/16". Any help is appreciated.
  19. sclsu

    Great Lines!

    "So I got that going for me" -Bill Murray in Caddyshack
  20. A fiber optic marble is made from the same type of glass they make fiber optic cable from. They are very distinctive in how the light reflects through them, often looking like there is a line of light through the center which stays in place when you turn the marble.
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