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Everything posted by sclsu

  1. sclsu


    Root beer. I think of it every time I see dark amber slags
  2. Lol, so it turns out the book I have is by baumann. It is an old edition though, I probably need a newer one
  3. I will have to check it out. I am normally a machine made guy, but I got a dozen handmades and it inspired me to know more.
  4. Collecting antique marbles second edition. Block doesn't go that in depth on handmades, and I was reading, and looking at my new marbles, and wondering what that type was exactly, because the pics in that book aren't super close up
  5. It looks like a latticino core to me. From what I've read the white and yellow lattice is less common
  6. Ann, I was referring more to the white and orange ribbons, not the ones on the surface. I was reading that a banded latticino had a lattice and then ribbons surrounding the inner core, with a third layer of ribbons outside of the core. These types are supposed rarer than a regular latticino
  7. Exactly what I was thinking. If the colors were different I would think vitro
  8. I got a bunch of handmades so I was reading up on them, and I am unsure if this would be considered a banded latticino. Yellow lattice core with alternating white and orange ribbons encircling it, with just a small gap between them. Is that a banded latticino?
  9. That is a fascinating back story. I would love to know more about the Peltier brothers time at vitro
  10. sclsu


    Nice! Too bad it's got that blow out
  11. sclsu


    This guy measures in at 1-3/16", which is why I thought it was modern (for a while). The more I look at it, the more it looks like a slag.
  12. Those are great pics. I wish we could find out the real story :-)
  13. That is true, but just the fact that there were thousands of them means they were probably for different purposes. The marble looks to me like it would have been difficult to make.
  14. I believe it is age appropriate, I just think this would not have come directly from McKinleys campaign. Most campaign items would have been made in large enough quantity to distribute at an event or rally, so there would probably be more than one of these. This, in my mind, is likely something that was made for a specific person (or small group) by Leighton and/or Dyke, perhaps for a fundraising effort or something like that. It is certainly unique in terms of presidential campaign memorabilia.
  15. I am very skeptical of this being a campaign item (as in an item distributed by his campaign directly). "Sound Money" was a campaign slogan of McKinley, but there was a lot of debate at the time regarding the National banking system, and a lot of his slogans use that as their theme. It seems odd that there is additional wording in this slogan. In reading the morphys description it is possible that this was made by a McKinley supporter, but toys were not widely used as campaign items until the 20th century, when the amount of eligible voters became much larger and more diverse.
  16. I've never found any cross-overs. A sulphide with a presidential slogan from that time period wouldn't make sense. Campaign memorabilia is very rarely something other than a button, cloth or paper, and is never something that would not have been used by "eligible voters", such as toys and marbles. A lot of fake items use obscure companies, subjects, etc. because a novice on the subject will normally think "this isn't a well known (fill in the blank), why would someone fake it?"
  17. I buy and sell vintage Americana and American history items. My favorite thing that I deal in are 1880-1910 political memorabilia
  18. Maybe it rhymed with snow? I think those are candidates for Kokomo, but if not that then I would agree with pelt
  19. Sorry, the only vitro bag I have right now is a bag of Gladding-Vitro cats eyes
  20. Hey everyone just want to let people know that I have about 40 marble auctions posted on ebay right now, all ending on sunday. I don't usually advertise, but I put up some 5 day auctions today so I wanted to get the word out. Make sure to follow me, as I have new auctions every week. EBay username: sclsuindustries Link: stores.ebay.com/sclsuindustries
  21. There are 3 similar marbles in marbles mania (page 74), a divided core with mica, a solid core with mica and a mica with transparent bands. They are listed as being in the collections of elliot pincus and Jeff yale
  22. I found one of these today. I am curious to know as well.
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