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Everything posted by sclsu

  1. I would go Ravenswood for the top left one
  2. I don't really see pelt either. Some couldbe vitro, others akro
  3. I get a vitro vibe on a few, Akro too but the others I could see master, definitely the two on the right
  4. Top one might be a blue panda, 3rd pic could be named too (Smokey blue or something like that)
  5. I would agree with Steph. I would go pelt on 2 and Akro on 8
  6. Value certainly would be subjective. On more common marbles like these I wouldn't expect more than a buck each, but probably less
  7. Oxblood should look like the oxblood on the Akros you have posted in a few other posts. You should use those to help you id other oxblood. If it doesn't match, it is probably a red or brown
  8. I think row 2 on the left is pelt
  9. sclsu

    Group 004

    I would probably go marble king for 1,4,5 and 6. 2 and 3 could be vitro. A few more angles would be good. Shots of the seams are always more helpful than the poles
  10. sclsu

    Group 003

    5 looks to be a Peltier rainbo
  11. sclsu


    The background is good, maybe just less marbles per post. It is much easier that way
  12. I use my phone for all my marble pics. I find it is always good to zoom in on the marble and always use the flash to eliminate glare
  13. I see a transparent base with a blue patch? That would be vitro. I would recommend taking pictures on a different surface. That clear display thing(forget what its called lol) is distorting your pictures
  14. I would like to see a pic of the blue one by itself
  15. Lots of nice marbles. Condition would play a big factor in terms of value. I see a few that would have had some value if they weren't so rough. Definitely worth the time to learn what you have before selling
  16. The ones with the metal around them were most likely on a necklace
  17. the ones that aren't rainbos are probably vitro tri-lites
  18. Could be akro (not a sparkler though). I could also see an argument for vitro or pelt
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