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Everything posted by ManofKent

  1. Thanks 9/16" ish at a guess (awaiting new calipers...)
  2. Came with a small mixed group - couple of 50's Vitros, 2 Akro patches and a couple of slags...
  3. ManofKent


    I'm not missing anything on this one? Straightforward Alley? Thanks
  4. A bunch of Marble King arrived today - I'm guessing late 60's early 70's but wondered whether the use of an opaque pink(maybe lavender) base for some of the patches narrows the period down? Thanks
  5. Nice shots Cheese (heads off to go through odd looking Pelts)
  6. ManofKent

    Mib ID

    Good point - I always forget Vacor do fancy cats
  7. ManofKent

    Mib ID

    Looks like an Akro patch to me - unusual to see such strong colour bands at the side though.
  8. ManofKent

    Mib ID

    You've got some nice looking odd cats
  9. ManofKent

    Mib ID

    Again, it's odds on a vitro but an unusual form - nice.
  10. ManofKent

    Mib ID

    Nice - I can't think what it could be other than caged Vitro, but I've not seen that colour combo before.
  11. You're probably right, I thought I was seeing opaque white on transparent base, but looking again it does look like an opaque base.
  12. It doesn't fit the normal definition of a Superior - yellow top patch, then red ribbons surrounding it - the red seems to extend to just one side rather than meeting (or at least half meeting at the seam). The colour patches do look early though, and I wouldn't be surprised for it to be a Tri Lite of the same period.
  13. I agree 6 and 8 look like probable Anacortes - the middle one might be too - it looks familiar but the page I'd favourited with good Anacortes images has been Photobucketed . I think Steph's right that 1 is a messed up Vitro, and I err on 2 being a messed up Akro.
  14. Thanks - That's out of just over 300 mibs - there are about 30 brushed transparent Masters in the lot, and the size is good for Master, but the brushwork on the transparent Masters is typically slightly 'crude'. These don't have the crude patch the transparents normally have, nor the depth of glass patch that Meteors have.
  15. Thanks! Size from 5/8" to fractionally larger - 11/16" ish
  16. All the other marbles in a large lot were definitely American and 40/50's ish. I'm guessing these are rogues, unless I'm missing something...
  17. Nice example. It took me ages to figure out that half the odd vitros that I couldn't identify were just weird and wonderful Conqueror variants. There can be a huge variance from 'typical'.
  18. Agreed. Not Pelts, but nice marbles.
  19. Nice marbles. Champion doesn't get the attention they deserve.
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