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Everything posted by ManofKent

  1. ManofKent


    Looks good for a Champ to me
  2. Tricky - some Marble King can be very pale, as can some Bogard...
  3. You're not suggesting bringing out a hammer?
  4. The East German Cat's Eyes also sometimes used tinted glass (and can be difficult to separate from the Asian Cat's) but I agree that one's Asian
  5. Weird and wonderful Vitros.
  6. I'd go half yellow and half blue - nice looking box.
  7. So I can't sell you a caramel swirl for $100 then?
  8. I've never seen any Czech marbles that weren't bullet-mold - did they produce any?
  9. Lovely group.I'm strictly a bottom-feeder price wise but I'd love to be able to afford those (not unreasonably priced) for such a nice group.
  10. ManofKent

    Mib ID

    I'm not sure on this one - I wouldn't want to immediately rule out Heaton. Hopefully a swirl expert will be along...
  11. ManofKent

    Mib ID

    I'm pretty sure they're Champion. Have a look in the Champion thread (Steph's Study Hall) and there's a picture of a group I've got - pretty sure they're the same. Here we go:
  12. Has anyone got any experience with any of the wooden systems? Cubaro looks the most advanced but seems to be a)difficult to obtain at the moment b ) incredibly expensive Kaden looks reasonable, but it looks like it uses larger marbles Varis looks reasonably priced, but a bit too colourful Any experience / thoughts / alternatives?
  13. Might well be Champion, but those do't look like the Furnace 'Scrapings' to me - the scrap glass they used is pretty distinctive.
  14. Nice. Cats Eye's don't get the love some of them deserve.
  15. Tiger Eyes are a possibility - thoughts?
  16. Lovely one! Some of the later cage ones can be spectacular, but I think (and I consider your's vaned) the early vane ones were the best. My favourites (also mainly white):
  17. Sorry, no photo to hand, but has anyone any idea whether vitros that are identical to All Reds but with blue replacing the red have a name (no central band - just blue and yellow (or green) patches on a white base)?
  18. Nice one - 'folds' look good for Champion
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