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Everything posted by ManofKent

  1. It looks like a corkscrew for the first two thirds then sort of flares out into not quite flames.
  2. 'White' is pinkish and bordering on translucent. Apologies for image quality...
  3. Came in a very mixed lot - initially thought Akro but not so sure...
  4. ManofKent


    I think Swirl rather than slag, but I'm no closer to a maker!
  5. Walking and train travel rather than driving, but thank you. No trains running today or tomorrow so working from home via a dodgy remote connection on the laptop. The worst thing s I've got marbles in the post but there are no deliveries!
  6. ManofKent

    Need help

    Welcome - I agree with Steph, Heaton looks a strong candidate - the ribbon looks more Heaton and that 'fold' in the last shot looks good. I'm no swirl expert though!
  7. Several inches of snow here (about the first time we've had significant snow in the last seven years). After spending 21/2 hours getting into work yesterday, they decided to close early, then it took a further two and half hours to get back... You don't need that much snow for it to grind to a halt over here, but then when it's so infrequent, investing in replacing our third rail train system etc. etc. probably doesn't make economic sense.
  8. Master a definite possibility, although the green one could be Champion and the bottom two in the last shot might be Bogard (they produced several odd 'not quite cats' typically with pretty bubbly glass).
  9. Possibly Champion - a lot of their dark clearies do that.
  10. There was me all tempted and then I spotted those fateful words 'Does not ship to the UK'
  11. Welcome - post photos in the identification forum and we'll have a go.
  12. I agree the lack of yellow rules out a Vitro Superior, but I'm no closer to an answer as to what it is!
  13. Count the vanes - if they have four probably Marble King (but could be Heaton or Bogard), If there are five then probably Vitro Agate.
  14. It's a weird and wonderful for definite. Glass does look quite Peltier bubbly but I don't recognise it at all
  15. I suppose most of the old-fashioned are 30 years old now - I wouldn't describe them as 'older' but they're hardly spring chickens Personally I've given up worrying about the age of Champions and just try and collect as many different types as possible - the 'Old fashioned' are generally really nice looking marbles and just as much part of Champion's history as ones from the 40's. I'm not so keen on the later 'oily' looking ones, I just don't like that finish, but other than that I like them. Champs also frequently do such interesting things under UV - never ignore a clearly/cloudy champion without running it under a blacklight.
  16. I'd guess at one of the early 80's runs, but Champion seems to be (in my mind unfairly) overlooked by collectors so there's very little information out there. A lot of the early 80's runs (particularly red and white swirls) are nigh on impossible to tell apart from 1950's production if they're around 5/8" - most of them don't have the oily 'vacor' like finish and glass quality is seemingly identical.
  17. Dare I say they're nicer looking than sulphides
  18. Too useful a thread to be stuck down here :-)
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