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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Onionskin's have an underlying skin (Thus the name "Onionskin") usually of yellow or white w/ any number of colored bands stretched over it. Joseph coats are minus the skin and generally have a window between the colored ribbons to the transparent interior of the marble. (I should note there are always exceptions as in the case of any marble) ONIONSKIN W/ A YELLOW SKIN :: ONIONSKIN W/ A WHITE SKIN :: JOSEPH COATS :: Beach Ball type Coat : Orange Joseph Coat (Backlit so you can see the windows between the ribbons) And a couple shots of the same marble under normal lighting :
  2. Last year !! Just enough for dinner Me and my family bought for local & export 18 varieties of wild & exotic gourmet mushrooms,Chanterelles were one of our mainstays.
  3. No Leighton, no transitional, both 100% machine made
  4. A turquoise gaming marble IMO, not seeing MFC. Ya got the Pelt right though
  5. I can see the pink very well in the first pic, it's definitely there.
  6. Wow !! Nice marble, lots of av Brother, wish I could help on a proper ID, foreign to me ??
  7. Yes, as long as they're part of the same band & not separated
  8. "Welcome to Marble Connection Doug" There are some fairly valuable types there but in the "well played" condition they're in better off as keepsakes
  9. PPP, Master, Master IMO
  10. Divided core swirl IMO, looks like 3 ribbons in the core to me ??
  11. Japanese made 9 vane cat IMO. Not seeing any ox, machine mades have no pontils, your cat is exhibiting cut marks from dull shears IMO.
  12. x2, agree w/ Rooster
  13. In my mind there is transparent, which could be any color of clear base, & transparent clear which would indicate a total lack of color in the base, depends if you put the words (transparent & clear) together or not as to the specific meaning.
  14. Chad G.

    Big Mib

    Hmm, might be a wolf, the base in the OP looks blue to me ?? Maybe be a newer or different run ?? LINK :: https://www.billes-en-tete.com/detail.php?id=147
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