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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Yes they are both Pelt NLR Zebras, some would consider the one on the right a bronze
  2. The darker brown the base the higher the value, your OP is a lighter colored "Chocolate Cow" the base can vary quite a bit as long as it's brown w/o a red cast. Maybe Sami @machinemades will chime in on the subject ?? I sold mine a few years back for $400.00 and it had a super dark brown base. David's OP is a Chocolate cow, @ least on my monitor it shows as a brown base w/o a red cast. There are some dark & light ones for you to take a look @ on this link. LINK :: https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=45829&p=335789&hilit=peltier+chocolate+cow#p335789
  3. I'm not seeing a red cast on my monitor either, seeing brown and yes HVY av. A Peltier Chocolate cow VHTF, $$, nice marble David !!
  4. A gift from a Marble Brother overseas for this "Sundays Best" made by Hothouse Glass in Bowling Green Ohio https://www.hothouseglass.com/ this marble has been from Ohio, across the Atlantic and back here to it's final home in WA. State.
  5. Chad G.


    Best would be Alley ?
  6. LINK :: https://marbleconnection.com/topic/8671-mushroom-marbles-amazing-box/#comment-75296 LINK :: https://marbleconnection.com/topic/6786-mostly-pix-peltier/page/14/#comment-200544 LINK :: https://marbleconnection.com/topic/19348-marble-vending-machines/#comment-191082
  7. #1. L to R = Vitro & ???? #2. German handmade, solid core from what I can see of it ??
  8. #1. Pelt MCS #2. Pelt Rainbo - Vacor Fiesta #3. Vacor Volcano - Vacor Picasso
  9. Mushroom type are Japanese I think ??
  10. Yes Veiligglas, here's another link from "Stephs Study Hall" LINK :: https://marbleconnection.com/topic/21465-mostly-pix-veiligglas/#comment-190014
  11. Chad G.


    Yes, we definitely need some closeup individual pix of #3 for a positive ID if you can swing it David ??
  12. Chad G.


    MK wasp has no av that I've seen ? Sticking w/ Pelt. on #3 just not sure on the ID because of not being sure on the base color ??
  13. OP not Alley, agree w/ Jabo. Alley ghost has red ribbons on a translucent blue clear opalescent base LINK :: https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?t=25710
  14. We all know what a rock tumbler does to glass, it destroys it, frosts the surface and the marbles usually come out w/ a bunch of fractures or broken from banging against each other. Clays in a tumbler is a new one on me also. If I was you brother I'd try do a few you really don't give a rip about first just to see what happens ??
  15. Chad G.


    3rd from left looks like a brown base on my monitor ? Definitely Pelt. Brown based w/ black ribbons containing av = a Chocolate Cow. Any orange or red in the base or combination thereof would make it one of the two Ann described. Combination of red & orange base = Wiger. Brown w/ an orange cast would make it a Tiger and disqualify it as a Chocolate cow. #1, #3 & #5 are 100% Pelt
  16. One of my favorite & cleanest Coats for this "Thüringen Thursday" Av. almost 3/4ths of the way around. Two unfinished pontils so late Victorian (1870-1910, or so?) @ 25/32nds+"
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