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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. The "Mega" post .... .... Literally, well not all. but most !!
  2. Three clean J. Coats for this "Sundays Best" one w/ a yellow latt. core if you can see it, front (R) in the first pic
  3. This was my boys dad "Buddy" spittin image except the color of the spots. First and only male I ever had take care of the puppy instead of the mother, he was a great dog, probably the smartest I've ever had, a real "Pinky & the Brain" story !! Hey ! wait a minute there boy, you got better markins than ,me ?? Now I gotcha dad !!
  4. I've see a lot of those cinderblock squares used to build chimney's, kinda weird finding a lone ranger like that. The new find looks intriguing, older masonry work definitely, maybe you can borrow or rent a good metal detector from someone and look for coins or jewelry while ya dig ?? A good day indeed
  5. Veiligglas IMO, I had trouble saying it for a long time & even longer getting the spelling correct.
  6. Chad G.


    Found this shirt on Etsy and a few others I'm gonna have nightmares about LINK :: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1271812743/cats-eye-marble-identification-shirt?ga_order=date_desc&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=peltier+marbles&ref=sc_gallery-1-2&plkey=e5174e7c008e8821a78bbd41108c02ea78e5a890%3A1271812743
  7. Happy "Slags & Swirl Saturday" All pix on the same slag as I roll it from one side of the single seam to the other. Is there one single fold @ each end of the cut as it appears (size is almost 11/16ths) ?? Or are there 2 cuts ?? & who made this mib ?? Sorry for the tiny specs of sand, I was Salmon fishing earlier that day and the stuff gets all over everything.
  8. Chad G.

    ID on these

    These two are Beauties' IMO
  9. I'm leaning Vacor also
  10. "Welcome to Marble Connection Jean" Well !! a few different manufacturers there. Mostly W. Va. looks like to me w/ a few other manufactures thrown in. For a more accurate I.D. try to post some close-ups & multiple views of each marble including the seams. Measurements in fractions of an inch are also most helpful when I.D.ing a certain manufacturer. I do see a few nice Alleys in there I really like but due to the number of marbles presented in a single pic almost impossible to point them out individually. Again "Welcome"
  11. Well our weather is still in the mid 80's The shorter days have the leaves beginning to change but not nearly as much as a few good frosts and some rain, 10 days straight of record breaking heat w/ another 4 on the way, incredible !! The construction is rippin along, I heard an Olive Garden & a Sonic are goin in. Usually by now we've had @ least a couple frosts and some pretty steady rain, still looks & feels like August ?? My little buddy only has one interest and it's not taking pictures, food &, well !! I often wonder, can he really sleep that much or is he just playin me ??
  12. When I was a kid everyone wanted a panel to turn into a hot rod
  13. Is that some kinda old mole trap ?? Might be easy to date this one, they haven't put ammonia inhalants (smelling salts I believe) in first aid kits in a while, nice bunch of finds William, thanks for sharing, the next best thing to being there
  14. Not Pelt, others will chime in soon and I.D. this one for ya
  15. Two sundrenched Carnelians for this hot October "Akro Friday"
  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPHEN How does it feel to be a 117 year old youngster ... And many thanks to you my devoted Friend .... LINK :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cv_HsQHNBb8 "Thanks for the Birthday link Dave"
  17. Well, I guess the fizz was named for all the bubbles ?? Just looking for a prerequisite to separate it from other similar mibs. Yes I guess only the person who named it first can lay down any particular I.D. stipulations. Marbles and their identification are ever evolving, a reason I've come to love & enjoy the hobby so much, I'll never get bored. @ least we can all agree on that one thing
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