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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Do me a big favor Fire if you would and "backlight" your OP to see if it has an underlying "skin" or if light passes between the ribbons if you would. It will be the telling tale between a Coat or an Onionskin. Myself I can see light passing between the ribbons now in your OP & into the clear base glass indicating to me there is no "skin" thus I.D. as a Joseph Coat. Onionskins all have underlying opaque skin usually of white or yellow covering the entire surface of the marble under the ribbons of color giving no internal view, that's where the "skin" part of the name is derived from. You can see the underlying white skin in you polished mib from Mig and my busted up monster w/ the Maglite shinning into it, identifying these both as Onionskins. Skins :: COATS ::
  2. Their starting to put in a mini strip mall. Different stores are leasing plots as time goes by. It's been as you see it for 3 or 4 years now before the recent filling, things are starting to pick up though. They demolished about 5 or so old houses, one of which the swat used for "raid" practice, kinda cool seeing smoke bombs and flash bangs, plus all of them running around in full dress sweating carrying assault rifles When I was a kid none of the houses or anything was in this area, swampland (the reason for them filling) & one access road. I'm not sure what kind of store is going in ? no "coming soon" signs or here say floating around yet ?? This is what it looked like a few years back, the last house to be torn down and all the trees already cut, the swat team was here practicing almost 5 days, training exercises I guess ?? THEN NOW
  3. Please post pix if you can find any, I started this thread as a reference for others to look @ for identification purposes.
  4. 2, 1/4" onion w/ no guts, 90% of the onions I have only have a clear base. Some do have cores as well as an equal amount of Joseph the coats. Here's a couple pix of them 2.25 incher, one pic w/ a Maglite so you can see the internals, no guts, nothing but a ghost core. J. Coat w/ a core A pair of 1.25 Coats w/o out cores
  5. Poison Bee & definitely a dark universe, unfortunately I thinkin there's only 1 maybe 2 in existence. if I understand right Chuck G. the one who named it, is one of a kind. There's a pic of his Dark Universe in the new Peltier book from Sami Arim on pg. 142.
  6. I already have the "Bucket O Butter" for the long wait ...
  7. How do you tell the difference between first of cane & end of cane ...
  8. They do!! I believe the OP is a Red Bee, if av is present in the red ribbons then a Ruby Bee LINK :: https://marbleconnection.com/topic/27173-peltier-tuesday/ Peltier NLR Ketchup & Mustard Peltier clear NLR Ketchup & Mustard Peltier NLR Ruby Bee (av is present in the red ribbons) :: There is no av present in a Red Bee, the base color may vary in shades of yellow especially in the Red Bee A little different off yellow base but still a Red Bee (no av) Another Ruby Bee, I took this one in the sunlight to hopefully show the av a little better. The av present in Ruby Bees is often scant and very fine, you have to look for it but there is a considerable monetary difference between a Ruby Bee & a Red Bee. Two more K & M's, the basic NLR ribbon pattern often becomes distorted in larger examples.
  9. Just another opinion on the Joseph Coat "EOD" & construction subject LINK :: https://oldraremarbles.com/product-category/josephs-coat/?orderby=price-desc
  10. Took a few shots off my back deck while the leaves are still on the trees. Gonna take more as the colors start to appear until it's fully lit up. Then after the Winter is here, alot of the Deciduous tree areas become almost unrecognizable after the leaves fall off. Posting these so I remember exactly where I took each shot from for a good comparison & retakes.
  11. Chad G.


    Pakro king .... .... Haven't the slightest ? But I do agree w/ the swirl aspect from Jeff !!
  12. Alright, this is gettin good ...... .... A great discussion & a good post
  13. Yes, they are all Pelts, you can post it to I.D. if you like but it's a Pelt, nice clean mibs by the way Dennis
  14. I always looked @ the type as having canes or colors terminating somewhere between the poles rather than running continually from pole to pole. EOD style marbles are far less common than other production handmades. Just a collectors term in any case & probably will always be up for some type of dispute, all a matter of personal perspective.
  15. I think you've posted this in the past ?? Could be wrong after looking @ thousands of posts I'm kinda lost in the mix. In any case it looks like a Heinzer, I don't know where to start, one shot looks kinda almost Akro, then you turn the marble and it's lookin more W. Va. With all that in mind I'm gonna agree w/ Roby & say Jabo
  16. Well I'll just post some more Pelts on my endless "Want list" Peltier Silver Surfer A Peltier "Wiger" I've had 2 of them in the past, one had trace amounts of av the other more common w/ none. I thought them tom be common ?? That's what I get for thinkin. Some old pix of one of the Wiger's I used to have before I auctioned them off in 09, this is the one w no av A Peltier "Lipstick Rebel" loaded w/ av A Peltier "Green Rebel" I think this picture was taken by Chad Cline i.e. "IowaMarble" (AAM admin.) of his mib if I'm not mistaken though he may have sold it ?? A rare wet mint av loaded killer
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