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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Killer mib Art The swirl color is great, a real beauty !!
  2. Yes,100% Brick, the tail looks fully intact so just from the pix a good chance of it not being polished as many Bricks are. Looks like a 90% possibility of it being MFC IMO. A great group of marbles at a more than decent price IMO
  3. I noticed in Tommy's pictures that the turf is long overdue for a good mowing ... ... maybe they just melt it instead of mow it down there ??
  4. Happy "West Virginia Wednesday" if I remember right this came in a box of dug Heaton, same colors as a "Heaton Blackberry" A bunch of the dug Heaton that came in the boxes have the same Ying-Yang appearance. Rejects I know but some kool lookin ones.
  5. AH, there you are Art, nice to put a face to the name, butterflies are getting to be a very rare occurrence anymore. When I was a kid there were thousands of them & bugs galore, especially in the summer, bees thicker than flies, I got stung all the time. Now I walk my dog in the field out back & lucky to see a bee let alone a honey bee.
  6. Your second guess was right, Jabo IMO
  7. Yes this one has a special name, "Onyx" = transparent color base w/ a white spiral, nice backlighting job I never would have known from those pix, what a nice surprise. LINK : https://www.marblecollecting.com/marble-reference/online-marble-id-guide/akro-agate-co/
  8. Peltro .... Honestly it has both Vito and Pelt traits IMO , still I see more Vitro so, Vitro IMO
  9. All pix are the same mib right ?? I'm leaning Akro, agree w/, Al looks like it was supposed to be a cork.
  10. Here's a pic of an Akro Blue oxblood w/ the darkest example of oxblood I have, looks almost identical to the ox in the OP IMO. Where's that butter monkey at ??
  11. ... I've been told I'm not the sharpest pencil in the box, maybe that's why this holder has remained empty ....
  12. Smore Peltier, this time some Peltier Peerless Patches (PPP) from almost 3/4 all the way down to nearly pee-wee
  13. Happy "Peltier Tuesday" A 9/16ths Wasp, 5/8ths Ruby Slipper and a Cherry Bomb coming in @ nearly 25/32nds.
  14. I know it's a W. Va. swirl just not positive from who, Alley maybe ?? That's where I've had it for years anyway !!
  15. Always time to .. .. and .. ... now for some buttery sweetness ... ... where's that shopping bag Art, I've got smore butter and I'm feeling extra hungry ??
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