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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Yes, looks to have a white skin on it so an onionskin, the surface ?? who knows, maybe someone threw it in a rock tumbler ??
  2. Right on the money Bruce "Champion hotwheels"
  3. "Welcome to Marble Connection Kerry" Nice pix, thanks for the post
  4. Chad G.

    An odd one,

    I believe it to be an MK also, I have one very similar "Somewhere ??" Leaning away from Master for the lack of a point at one seam followed by a flair (maybe curved) at the other. The (almost) straight seams remind me of MK. At any rate a nice mint mib Ric, anything w/ av is good by me, just my take on it, had to throw my 2 cents in !!
  5. Not that exciting but to me a score around here 1, 13/16ths" a walking bear sulphide. 2 small fleas and very minimal pocket wear , looks terrible in the pic, dirty, and lots of fingerprints. I'll retake tomorrow. My best friend passed 2 years ago and was an avid bear hunter, I have a trinket box bear with a marble in it given me by him already but always wanted to get one of these for him. At $60.oo I said yes, something I've wanted for quite some time. Again forgive the bad pic, sulphides are ,in my book, the "hardest" marble there is to photograph.
  6. Fire up the fry pan, fried Okra for supper !!
  7. Yes, the Scorpion is UV, really made for a nice piece, I'm so glad I purchased it. I look at it every day. "Thanks Ric"
  8. Part of a nice score I made last week. All akros in this bunch, 2 double ingots, 2 red onyx corks, 5 prizenames, 2 big ades, 3 patches, a crow & one snake. All mint except the blue snake & the crow. I was very pleased, it had been a while since I had go any nice mibs, this part of over 100 varying manufactures I got in this lot.
  9. I got this 4" monster in remembrance of my best Friend & Baby Brother Tony, he passed at 43. Had tattoos of scorpions on both forearms, one black one red representing his astrological sign. Now one of the guardians of my mibs. "Love ya Bro"
  10. Still a nice shot Jason, I've deleted thousands of substandard blurry pics, but I kept some too. I think we're more critical on ourselves than anyone else is ??
  11. Believe me Ric, if I had to duplicate those Sulphide pics I took I don't think I could do it again. I canned well over 100 retakes before I got the camera to focus on the figure instead of the surface of the glass, if I remember right it had a lot to do with a combination of the correct wattage on the bulb & neutral background. I have to say, Sulphides are probably not only the most difficult marble I've ever had to photograph but the most difficult thing I've ever had to photograph period.
  12. I googled "Summit slag glass Oscar the lion" says & shows it's a paperweight not a lid like the Westmorland or Imperial pieces. According to the V circle stamp showing on the bottom it is "Summit" LINK : https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=AOaemvK3GLlMzzlVrgRtvwNfEIPgbXQxow:1629990734871&source=univ&tbm=isch&q=summit+slag+glass+oscar+the+lion&sa= LINK : https://www.ddoty.com/makermarks.html
  13. Wish I could get more like that one Willian, good show, a little recoup from is better than none. Make for a great day at the float fishing (hint, hint)
  14. Don't feel like the "Lone Ranger" made the same mistake myself, let me join in ... ... now we can share the pain ... Nice pair of twin tri stage you got for the recoup at that yard sale the other day Bill Outstanding examples !! Oop !! better post a mib !!
  15. A few I picked up the other day, better individual pics are forthcoming (maybe??) I think the green might be an Imperial, sorry for the slip !!
  16. I believe the lion may be a Summit Glass Co. Product called "Oscar the lion" intended as a paperweight instead of a lid?? Not aware if Imperial & summit are linked or not ?? I googled "Imperial glass lion" & a slightly different looking lion was pictured & being used as a lid ?? I have to admit they are very similar except for the foot. & intended use. Summit: https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=AOaemvKQHxVEXSZiSe_KiVmFh0WDrp8wvg:1629959038790&source=univ&tbm=isch&q=Summit+Glass+co.+slag+lion&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiMj4XMhs7yAhW0KH0KHQ7IB-EQjJkEegQIHxAC&biw=1242&bih=603 Imperial : https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=AOaemvKH5gEKlJsfJa7Tq9-p6WxCxdIt6g:1629963414913&source=univ&tbm=isch&q=imperial+slag+glass+lion&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi7xd7yls7yAhUBKn0KHS51AVUQjJkEegQIBRAC&biw=1242&bih=603
  17. Thanks for the link Joep !!
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