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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. A late start, missed the big countdown but "HAPPY MARBLE KING MONDAY" Sorry for the blur 🥺 !!
  2. "Peltier Ruby Slipper" Almost always a smaller size & nearly always has the bubble filled base, dimples and a blowout or two, a wet mint one without defect is VHTF ( Very Hard to Find )
  3. It's almost time !! The Marble King countdown has begun. A little over 3 & 1/2 Hrs. to go 🕣
  4. Unmistakably Master, classic pattern & colors, less is more !! I use rubber "O" rings for stands as well, they stay put & there's never any scratching or rolling off the stand.
  5. Yes Liam,. so good to put a face to the name, "Again Welcome to MC" A wide variety of interests I see !! I too have started walking, not much, a couple miles in the afternoon each day but enough to keep my motor running. Seriously considering getting another mountain bike. I really enjoyed the last one I had. Chad G.
  6. Uh Oh !! SEED !! .... .... PLANTED !! .... .... Guess we all need a little foot massage every now & then !! I can throw whole water melons with my new improved toe pinch exercises .... HUH !! .... .... I can't help myself, always the instigator but at least I'm at the root of it this time !! ( I Think?? )
  7. Looks like good possibility of being a purple slag to me as well ?? Possibly Akro ?? Not sure, a tricky little bugger !!
  8. Chad G.


    Base glass color, bubbles, clarity etc. opaque colors, & general familiarity after seeing thousands of them. Certain things will disqualify it as another manufacture & basically you narrow it down to the most likely candidate & make your decision based on experience, as you have learned my friend sometimes we all make mistakes, bound to happen to us all. I agree with Al on this one also Peltier MCS. You'll get there Joep, no worries !! Good to see you back on the Forum
  9. Chad G.


    The black swirls running through the matrix of the glass almost looks like it got to hot for an extended amount of time "Burnt looking"?? no help on the I.D. I know just an observation.
  10. I don't know about "Wedding cake" but these two are Christensen Agate (CAC)
  11. AH !! I see, already graduated from cats to some more valuable & enticing examples, I wonder where the main stash is ?? 🐱WHO ME ??
  12. All associated links & posts from right here on "MC" Have fun !! LINK : https://marbleconnection.com/topic/26001-named-heaton-types/?tab=comments#comment-224510 Also a few pages with some packaging posted by Steph & a few other contributions, some named and many as yet unnamed new ones from the dig !! LINK : https://marbleconnection.com/topic/6790-mostly-pix-heaton/?tab=comments#comment-60875 Finally a link to all associated posts LINK : https://marbleconnection.com/search/?q=named heaton&quick=1
  13. Ah !! I get a glimpse of the vid when I'm leaving the post ?? strange ?? Still, looking forward to the pic Chris !! Dug marbles are always cool to look at.
  14. Mighty nice to find any used pieces without chips Good score man !!
  15. Nice job Stephen !! I just sorted a couple hundred different mibs from that part of the Stix myself.
  16. One toothpick today, better than nothing. I'll make a trip to my go to tomorrow & hope someone out of 119 vendors brought something new in. There is almost a full set of Akro children's china there but she wants way too much. $125.oo I offered 80.00 & that's more than it's worth, complete only about 80.oo, but maybe she'll change her mind after it sets another couple of months. No-one around here even knows what it is, except maybe a few & none's going to spring for the 125.00.
  17. So good to put a face to the name Chris. "Thanks for posting your pic !! " I started with handmades still tied for the #1 position, well I guess it's a 3 way split. Peltier, Alley & German Handmades, I keep bouncing back and forth.
  18. I used a coat hangar, not a good idea, your skin gets really soft & I had cuts all over my arm when the cast came off, guess I was lucky not to get infection. It remember it felt so good to scratch the itch though, it was driving me crazy !!
  19. Ouch !! I broke the same bone in a car wreck when I was 20, the steering wheel got in my way, yeah I think I remember it taking a bit longer than others did, the itching drove me up a wall.
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