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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Another Zebra, Bronze Av. on this one, old pix, it didn't show well but believe me it's dripping !! I know, I know, my retake list is a mile long !!
  2. Yeah Buddy !! I was gonna post some Reb's but chose Zebras instead, these two are killers !!
  3. Yeah, don't let em go Gladys, not an easy find, especially clean like those are !!
  4. Another Pelt. Zebra w/ lots of Blue av. & a touch of silver also. Sorry for the blur, I need to take some serious retakes !! Found one more pic of the same mib I took in the Sunlight, good grief, another freehand, blurry also !!
  5. Not easy to find these with the "Salmon" color, great shape to !!
  6. Another Heavy silver av. zebra, this ones dripping wet, none of the common blowholes and dimpling so prevalent on mibs like this with heavy av. no apparent seams either, 21/32nds some might say miller but mibs can come off the rollers with one, two or no apparent seams. I'll go with miller made I guess !!
  7. Soooo good to see your "Happy Faces" thanks for the new pic you guys, Fantastic, made my day !!
  8. Hello Gina, Couldn't have heard any better news !! Get well soon, I know you're looking at us, we all miss you & are looking foreword to a full & complete recovery.
  9. "Happy Peltier Tuesday" everyone !! Knuckle down Brothers & Sisters !! Peltier Zebra w/ bronze, silver & green aventurine
  10. "Not bad" Sokay, I do it all the time, fishing is really whakin my timeline, I have to check the time & day on the flat screen pretty regularly !! Besides one more extra mib too look at !! Proactive is good (I think ??)
  11. Not "Tuesday" yet, still 5.5 hrs. to go, unless I missed a whole day ??
  12. Pffff !! You got me shakin in my shoes Willis !! ........ tooo much, I can't handle it ......... !!!!!
  13. The countdown too fun has begun, another "Peltier Tuesday" comin your way, I'm crawlin with anticipation, so many marbles, so little time. Hmm, which one ?? a big decision for such a small mind !! I only have 7 more hours 6 hours 5 hours
  14. One day of recovery is enough, can't catch em if ya ain't in the water !! Come tomorrow daybreak I'm outa here again Adios Compadres !!!
  15. I'll take a stab !! "I" believe this one to be a "Vitro" ,veneered color on the surface is a Vitro trait, "I" think they were the only manufacture to use this application, or at least the first, so a good I.D. indicator for you. Also usually a clear transparent base glass. Hang in there Charles you'll get there, wherever "there" is ?? Lots of manufacturers, dates, lookalike's, one off's etc. keeps it interesting !!
  16. x2, agree w/ Akro, what a multi colored killer !! & double !!
  17. Chad G.


    I'll go with the W.Va. manufacture also.
  18. Look at those "Eyes" your dog's crackin me up The eye ball thing must be hardwired into their DNA ?? Some kinda "doggie defense mechanism" or something ?? ........ "Doggie Defense Mechanism" ...... Now I'm crackin myself up !!!
  19. "American Machine maze Marbles": Johnson - Metzler & Six is my #1 also "Marble Mania" - Stanley Block "World of Cats Eye Marbles" - Elizabeth Kempski I have a multitude of Stanley Blocks hardcover I.D. & price guides & also. Many others but these 3 are my go too's
  20. It's happened to me before, every once in a while it happens. Some good pix too, a repost would be great !!
  21. Agree with, you 100% Brock, Peltier Rainbo
  22. "Welcome to Marble Connection " Kayla !! Lots of marble & marble related knowledge & knowledgeable people here more than willing to help ya out on your Marble journey.
  23. "Welcome to Marble Connection" Your pix have disappeared, only broken registry showing now, a glitch somewhere, I know they were here last night, this happens from time to time please repost your pix Dominick if you would ??
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