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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. It looks like a PPP w/ metallic striping in it to me also
  2. Chad G.

    ID help

    Looks kinda like a Peltier Rainbo, need some better shots of the seems if ya can ??
  3. Gibson hardly ever marked anything he made I heard, allot of copycats out there, especially the snakeskin, the OP skin does look like his work though IMO
  4. Champion maybe, no Pelt
  5. X@, Pelt Rooster tail slag
  6. That's what I'm seeing in the mag, not touching the white solid core center, a three stage solid core IMO, very nice mib
  7. Are you sure the green, red & blue ribbons are touching the white core on the third marble ?? It looks to me like they aren't which would make it a three stage solid core, I may be wrong, a good look see w/ a loupe will tell the tale, regardless some nice mibs
  8. Sell your cell phone & get a landline
  9. Just makin sure, I was 99.9 it would, probably lights up like the sun !!
  10. Certainly looks like an ade mib to me, it is uv reactive, correct ??
  11. X2, Euro Sparkler, yes machine made
  12. Has all the Popeye qualifying traits, trans. clear base, whispy white filaments & @ least 2 other opaque colors Popeye IMO
  13. All three look like handmade German micas, the cores like in the blue one are somewhat common
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