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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. A small uv. flower pot for this "Akro Friday"
  2. x2 agree w/ Jabo. Pee-Wee's are .50" (1/2") or less in size, anything larger than .50 isn't an official pee wee, still pretty funny ...
  3. Nova's & Champagnes are completely different marbles but both part of the same run, a link & pic to help ya out. OP's are both Nova's, Champagnes are transparent. LINK :: https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=38379&p=283233&hilit=peltier+champagne#p283233
  4. No such thing as a sleeping red devil, ebay scam, I've seen their posts a thousand times, been there for years, take a look @ their sold items. Alot of Ebay I.D.'s are highly inaccurate. Here's a CAC red devil from Morphy auctions a couple years back. LINK : https://auctions.morphyauctions.com/LotDetail.aspx?inventoryid=59593
  5. Modern Chinese torch marble IMO
  6. A bubble filled Onionskin for this "Thüringen Thursday"
  7. "Happy Anniversary Melissa"
  8. I believe you are referring to #4 Tommy, it's a bifurcate (I call it a Dragon Bee) , #3 is a clear Ketchup & mustard
  9. Some NLR'S & a Miller that I auctioned off in 2009 for this "Peltier Tuesday" some Pelts I seriously wish I had never sold
  10. "Welcome to Marble Connection Edie" Looks like almost all newer, I see lots of Vacor ?? Alot of marbles to look @ though, we'll see what others have to say !!
  11. Double ribbon core IMO I was gonna say razor ribbon but the ribbons are way to thick
  12. One of my favorite German handmades for this "Sundays Best"
  13. I love Germans, my first affliction Mica is a hair away from 2 1/4 These are my top shelf Germans, all mint except the biggest one, the mica onion in the back row center.
  14. "Welcome to Marble Connection" Very nice, those look like Akros to me, the original mibs, don't toss em "Nice Find"
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