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Everything posted by moremarbles4me

  1. I ran my CCleaner and it seems to be working now, Thanks Galen Charles
  2. In order to get to this marble forum I have to use the change of address email I was sent. Several times I have tried to bookmark this site and it keeps taking me back to the old out of business website. Any thoughts? Charles never mind I seem to have it fixed. LOL
  3. Not a clue to the value of the box you are looking at buying. They are next to impossible to find. If memory serves me the last complete set in excellent condition I saw went for somewhere in the neighorhood of $5000 Charles
  4. Looks to me like the lighter green ribbons are laying close to the surface and the ones that appear black are actually green that run deeper into the marble giving them a black look. Charles
  5. I got this prize book this week. The kids could pick out prizes for selling magizines. According to this they were still importing hand cut agates in 1933 and Akro marbles were tougher then other brands. LOL Charles
  6. A few vintage and a few contemporarys.....James Yaun and two collaboration marbles made by Bo Stiff and Mark Capel. Thanks for looking Charles http://www.ebay.com/...sid=p4340.l2562
  7. Does anyone have a picture of the complete set? Charles
  8. I picked up this group at the Madison show. It was a take all or none type of deal Charles
  9. At the Kansas City show we usually have 20 or so rooms for inroom trading but we sell out of tables(50+) prior to the show. We have literally hundreds of walkins the day of the show. Charles
  10. Yeah they still live underground. The marbles face out and I bought marine grade finish so the door is well protected. Charles
  11. This will be the front door for their house, it weighs a ton. Charles
  12. Several monhs ago Cathy Runyan(the marble lady) entered a design the door of your dreams contest. The contest was put on by Simpson which is a well known maker of custom doors. Needless to say she won. Her husband Larry asked me to install it for them. I had to trim it to fit their current door opening, hinge it, drill it and last night put the final coat of finish on it. Three of the marbles are panels of glass with hundreds of peewee marbles sandwiched between. This is one of the coolest door designs I have ever seen. Charles
  13. Scott Mcbride wrote a book about ballot boxes, it has lots of information about them and great pictures. They can be found on Ebay. Charles
  14. Next month Saturday 8/13 is the Great Plains Marble Show in Omaha Nebraska. Room trading will be Friday 8/12. Mention the marble show to recieve a hotel room discount, rooms are $69. Show time is 10-3. Comfort Inn 7007 Grover St Omaha, NE. 68106 402-934-4900
  15. The numbers in the Italian sulphides were one sided,flat on the backside. Are the numbers in the Davis sulphides one sided or two sided? Just a thought to try and narrow down the maker. Charles
  16. I've ben told that this was the last year for the show to be held in Amana. Next year it is being moved to Iowa City. Charles
  17. This may not be the right place to post this but it will get the most attention. I have had marble dealing with many of the folks on this board over the years and your email information was in my list of contacts. This morning some buttnugget hacked into my email account, changed the password and sent out a emailing claiming I was stranded in England and in need of money to get home. After an hour on the phone with yahoo I was able to get back online only to find out he/she had deleted all of my contact information. I had planned on sending out a mass email but he/she eliminated that idea. DO NOT send any money, I am not in England. My email address is the same as it always has been but I no longer have anyone elses. Charles
  18. WOW Nicemibs thats some line up Charles
  19. Cool marble Ryan, never heard of one before. Have you seen other ones like this and is the base translucent or opaque? Charles
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