I really checked it out with the light I followed the black all around and found one spot . you all are really good!! I'm saying thats a dark dark green . It doesn't back light like that anywhere else .lol thanks .
So this is a pelt bruiser then?
Lol yeah. I just like that deep red on that yellow 😃 patch mib .and the other one didn't photograph well .its like a wispy light red and yellow. . Cooler in hand like most .
Idk i think I would rather have a chipped up rare marble than a tampered with one. But that is how I feel now but I'm new. There might be a reason I'm not aware of .
Gonna guess
Pic 1 peltier
Pic 2 ?
Pic 3 rainbo big bubble in the center
Pic 4 alley or cac
Thanks again for taking the time to check out my mibs and help me learn