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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. "Turkey Heads" show up in a lot of different marbles--even the newer Jabo. It is just a part of the process of marble making. I just suck at WVS ID but I would call this one a Heaton. I appreciate all opinions and hope to see some more. Marble--On!!
  2. This is still my favorite display. These are all 9/16" or under--a hard find for me at least. Marble--On!!
  3. It is a good rule imho. Contribute, gain trust, then sell. As always--- Marble--On!!
  4. This is the way! Marble on Chris!!
  5. Man, I sure could use some of that here. Marble--On!!
  6. Nice one Joe2! Marble--On!!
  7. Nice score Mojo! That orange german really lights it up--what is it? Marble--On!!
  8. Nice stuff-live and learn--Thanks. I have never seen an Atmo with anything but clear glass. Marble--On!!
  9. We all keep a few around--- In Wisconsin we call them pop bottles. Marble--or glass--On!!
  10. These are Peltier "Big Boys" from a shabby bag that just had to be opened. Marble--On!!
  11. Well here goes, It looks like it could be oxblood to me. I worked the images as much as I could on my PC. To me at least it looks like a Champion. I apprecaite all opinions and hope to see some more. Marble--On!!
  12. Non factual update here. These (many) advertisements came from a glass dealer to me about 25 years ago. I purchased a few from the seller on ebay and asked for some more. He had these ads and whatever he could find, he sent me. The marbles came packed in not USA made card board with hand written model numbers. I had no reason to doubt what was purchased. I kept everything except for the sellers name and address. It is still my belief that some of these, including the weirder stuff were marketed in the good ole USA. They were more than likely marketed in old mall gift shops, sadly most of these are in landfills in my humble opinion. This is just speculation on my part. I do know that old Mall stores tossed a lot of great stuff out (they still do). If it did not moveā€”out to the dumpster it went. I have contacted enough of the old mall managers through a daughter of mine (love her) of these shops that have remembered this nameā€”ā€œAtmosphereā€ to give it at least a bit of credit. Marbleā€”On!!
  13. I noticed that you posted some of these--dirty-- in the gallery. This is the place to get an ID, the gallery may be overlooked by many. Welcome Dan Olsen and of course-- Marble--On!!
  14. Hmmm, More research is needed here. Backlight it and post another image or two. Marble--On!!
  15. This is my craziest way. These are from my vegetable garden. We are in a drought here where I live but I still find a few. Just like the cropsā€”slim Pickens this year so far. Marbleā€”On!!
  16. Welcome AvvaRae, You wil find what you what to find here on this site. Feel free to post what you do have for any ID. Marble--On!!
  17. There are few experts in any field but I appreciate what you say and agree--of course--Thanks for stepping in and giving an opinion. I appreciate all opinions and will ride with this one for sure. Dang, I thought that I had a Killer MFC to put with my envelope---still searching--- Marble--On!! Thanks Ric, I really appreciate the input here. Nice marble indeed!! Marble--On!!
  18. I am not seeing Jabo here. Consider Vitro--just mho. Marble--On!!
  19. Very nice Akros imho ( killer oxblood patches) and you may be right--the right hand one may be a cats eye from Master Glass Co. Nice call Ric!! Marble--On!!
  20. akroorka


    Folded is kind of an antique term--lol. ( like me) Nice catch Chad. Marble--On!!
  21. "Orange Brick" was the best description that I could come up with regarding this one. I did do a bunch of research (a lot) and never did come up with a better name. I truly appreciate anything that you have to say about this one and look forward to any images of yours that you may have. I will send a PM regarding this one. I need this one to be verified by an expert such as you. It is my intention to put the best with the best in a display involving this envelope. Thanks and Marbleā€”On!!
  22. You may be right Mojo. Good call!! Marble--On!!
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