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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. I would say "Four Color Cork". Nice marble! Marble--On!!
  2. I just had to backlight this one. As you can see there are four separate streams of glass. Weird lashes as well, Very nice! Marble—On!!
  3. @wvron has told us all that they used to repair the rollers and the pits in them with copper. This is a good example imho. No ID from me--just what I seem to remember. Marble--On!!
  4. Many folks over the last 40 years or so jumped to the wrong side---Alley vs CAC---and spent the wrong amount of money. It is all coming into play today I used to sell--just a few. I remember selling Pistachios as CAC--well, that was what they were back then. After I found out that I was wrong—I have no regrets. I did start my research back then on CAC however. I never want to be misrepresented. They were "Killer" flames for sure--out to the West Coast they went and the buyer was just giggling to have them. (The money that I received went to—well--you know it—Akros) After the Alley revolution by the great diggers in WV, I researched Ohio Swirls for many years. I am OK with Ohio Swirls now—The WVS still knock me apart in too many directions. There were many CACs that were found in the rivers and bottom lands of Ohio—Hats off to L.J.! He had the foresight to know what he had and to push them into the fore front, many buckets full at the very least. There are too many to thank in this hobby. I thank you all for what you have all done to contribute. Let’s not forget the ones that are gone! Marble on my Sisters and Brothers in the Great Marble Sky above us all!! Marble—On!!
  5. Good eye Gladys--you read my mind! Marble--On!!
  6. CAC I agree. Nice one! Marble--On!!
  7. I would sort the OP as a Vitro "All Red". Marble--On!!
  8. Well Mojo, It had to come sooner that later--lets do it sooner. You are no doubt "The Lion King"👑. Nice find--very cool. Your wife must be a Saint------------ Marble--On!!
  9. I agree with Steph. The Bennington’s generally have touch marks—or eyes where they were stacked together before the firing process. The glaze on the marbles—where they touched each other in the stacking/fireing process, produced these eyes or round marks. The fancy ones, with multiple colors as opposed to the just blue, brown or other are a harder find imho. The two on the bottom image could have been made either across the Atlantic or right here in the USA---as far as that goes—they all could have been. The top one—the Glazed China—is more than likely from Germany. I appreciate all opinions and hope to see some more. Marble—On!!
  10. X20--Great work! Marble--On!!
  11. A Peewee Pelt with AV??? Just a killer marble imho. I wonder what you were bidding on? Marble--On!!
  12. I agree. I would like some more opinions though. Never forget that Vacor has been making marbles for a long long time. Many runs and many marbles. (I still think that it a WVS) @cheese @Ric @Chad G. Many more that I am too old to remember today. I appreciate all opinions and always hope for more. Marble--On!!
  13. Vacor Giraffe? I do not think it is a Jabo. Did Alley Agate make a big one like this? It looks like it might react to UV light. Nice marble! Marble-On!!
  14. Good job Plutonianfire lets just keep it in a more common language, we are not all savants here. I am sure that @cheese will agree. Cheese is great at what he does--Marbles--all of them!! Marble—On!!
  15. That is some serious stuff for a MK Jeff54--Great marble!! Marble--On!!
  16. Cheese and I both posted within seconds of each other. This is not a response to me at all. I suggest a re-think and better vibes from all involved. Let’s just be nice to each other---please consider this! We are all very passionate about this hobby/addiction. Let’s try to keep it on a level plain. I prefer to educate—if I can. Marble--On!!
  17. No doubt about it my marble collecting friend--no doubt at all. All are welcomed here and all will have input to give. Your choice of words has not been discouraged but researched to get the gist of them. I welcome you and all to this board regardless of the activity behind the scenes of humanity and the many themes of “Humanity”. We are here to judge marbles—not humans—we are all after all—quite crazy! Well—I better speak for myself—Quite crazy indeed am I ( I do speak like Yoda sometimes)---as far as marbles go at least. Lets just go crazy!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXJhDltzYVQ Marble—On!!
  18. Size Boris? Marble--On!!
  19. Well it might be. I will wait for the Peltier collectors to weigh in. @Chad G.@cheese@Fire1981@tankgrrl29 and any that I may have missed as well --sorry- brain fog. I respect the opinions of these folks and I know that they know what I am thinking. Marble--On!!
  20. In this day and age--Never count out the damage. Marble--On!!
  21. I agree with Steph. The thing with Akro is the cutline does not always follow the stretch of the colors to a point; you may be able to discern a “C” type cutoff beyond the colors pointed end in the matrix. Generally Master Made Marbles do cutoff to a point with the colors—generally at least. This is the way for me. Most will be right—some—maybe not but if I cannot tell, who cares really. Then you get into Master Glass Marbles which may have been using Akro Machinery. We will find out some day. Marble—On!!
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