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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. #28 and # 30 are more than likely Vitro “Horsehoe catseyes”. #1 could be one from a variety of makers—no ID will be produced here. #24—I think that you have two separate marbles here, top and bottom are not the same marble imho. #23 well it could be a Pelt Rainbo---maybe— Marble—On!!
  2. Winnie??---Size??? Very Nice what ever it is!! Marble--On!!
  3. Nice "Monet" Scooter!! Marble--On!!
  4. Size always matters--- Marble--On!!
  5. That is a new name to me. Pelt Rainbos came in as many variations of colors as Akro corks did. Pelts seem to pick up names quicker than invasive flowers. I cannot keep up with them—the names. It is a Rainbo—nice one!! Marble—On!!
  6. Agreed Steph. "Special" usually deserves more images----- Marble---On!!
  7. Good stuff! Thanks for the input. (make some more marbles) Marble--On!!
  8. Welcome to "TheMarbleConnection" Maria BLanco. Your son has the best place in mind--West Virginia. I just wish that I could take a trip there--I am not very good at traveling though🤢. Start with Clarksburg and hit the antique stores. Marble--On!!
  9. This ID is based on your second image left to right. Master Patch WVS—no ID from me--more opinions are needed here. Akro Patch Marble—On!!
  10. #1 looks like a Vitro to me #2–well I will call it a Heaton—nice marble!! #3—it may be a MK #4—alley agate I appreciate all opinions and more are needed here. Marble—On!!
  11. No oxblood imho---it may be a Pelt Rainbo-- Nice one! Marble--on!!
  12. X2---Whaaaa??? Marble--On!!
  13. The search has started and what a search it is. Welcome to the marble collecting search that we all enjoy. Post what you have and remember--there are no dumb questions. Marble--On!!
  14. Welcome to "TheMarbleConnection" ItsMavsGma! Great images and a great example--very nice! Marble--On!!
  15. More than likely clays were involved. It looks legit to me. https://www.ebay.com/itm/225586207807?hash=item3485fc5c3f:g:EWcAAOSwJ19kanC1&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAAsO7BJEwy9FWBt7bfRoEYNIBAfr0u8Wo6xdbzJ1qBToYIqb%2ButfD7F%2B%2B8pZHZT3%2BUl27v%2BI98g4zZAcoSVQnQebw4kiCgxtQBI8PV8cFaDgXHs847Yj4KdqH3Ujd8bJ8gjsbXRXXbXGmW7%2BCkOrkqQ4TlEEpEiXXGN%2FKxAL%2Bfpwp6RAhvOKONuueqZ5jzyLv67AKWrAb1P%2FBt3A7igKns3nGfSj0yIo6h2q0yWykRN93a|tkp%3ABk9SR7bw85SJYg Marble--On!!
  16. My first thought at the images was ohhh--what a nice Pelt!! Lets get @Chad G. @IowaMarble @Dave 13 @Carowill @Peltier Mibber @mibcapper and all of those Pelt-Heads that I have not listed involved. I know that I am forgetting many of you and I apologize for that. Old age--it will catch up with you as well---- Marble--On!!
  17. All of the above being said--if you find an unopened bag of "Blackies". It is a different thing. Marble—On!!
  18. No dumb questions here x2-- Marble--On!!
  19. Nice purple color in that middle one. Marble--On!!
  20. I blew up a few of your images and lightened them a tad. I see some white bits floating around in the green—no AV. In my experience, green glass in marbles of all makes will show some AV looking green bits once in awhile. It has something to do with the ingredients of the green glass recipe. It was not intended to be AV but it sure can look like it. Nice marble—no ID from me. Marble—On!!
  21. I think that the OP is a Rainbo. Here is a link with some info on the Colorado thing. https://marbleconnection.com/topic/31186-peltier-blue-colorados-or-not/ Marble--On!!
  22. The bottom right may be a Pelt--may be---. The top right may be a Vacor--May be--LOL Marble--On!!
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