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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. "Pro collectors" no one here will admit to that🤪. You talked me into it "Emily with the "sgiggles" on each side. I will start one tommorrow--Wish I had One--or WIHO in the general chat. It will be fun to see and I will start out easy because there are plenty of images to rob on the interweb--- Fire-- I feel the Thunder again--LOL---just that a bad Packers loss will set me back for awhile---the Badgers rocked---I will go with it. Marble--On!!
  2. Ohh no guesses?? Here is a hint--green and white. Marble--On!!
  3. Feel free to steal my Thunder Fire--my thunder is getting closer to being a spark every day.
  4. And here I was thinking that it was a "Bullseye"---oh well--keep on trying is all that I can say. Marble--On!!
  5. It is Sunday--a lot of traffic. This one is not so easy. 3/4"
  6. Un--real!! I must still have it!! Nice marble Tommy!!
  7. Cut and copied by this reference. https://www.marblecollecting.com/marble-reference/online-marble-id-guide/akro-agate-co/ "Brown is the most common, followed by yellow, green, red, and blue. These marbles are actually semi-opaque and have a distinctive orangish glow when held to a light. Later examples have tiny open ends at each pole, called “fisheyes”. The Moonies are relatively easy to find. The Flinties are more difficult. It appears that Flinties were not produced in as great quantities as Moonies and these marbles are often mistaken for game marbles by collectors. Flinties can be found in many No. 150 and No. 200 tins. They were also marketed under the name “Fire Opal.”" The brown ones look almost red--but not---duller. The ones that I picture here are red. I believe that there are white Flinties--they differ from "Moonies" a bit more opaque. Marble—On!!
  8. I may ignore some, but I always enjoy them Fire. Keep them comin!! Marble--On!!
  9. The box is the thing and you have that nailed. The pieces you will find, just carry an image to match them up. Nice find for sure!!
  10. I agree, That blueish/greenish color reminds me of some dug Akros. They are usually bigger marbles. Marble--On!!
  11. Here is a name for the OP-- Pelt--WIHO ("Wish I Had One"). Nice marble!! Marbler--On!!
  12. Good eye👀 Cheese--Chad has it pegged☝️. Marble--On!!
  13. I always will count in the newer Chinese marbles as a possibility with this type of marble. They are really shelling them out. https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Colorful-Hand-Made-Glass-Marbles-Unique_1600230820270.html?spm=a2700.galleryofferlist.normal_offer.d_title.a6a54815QchXoJ Marble—On!!
  14. Red Zebra--almost a "Dark' Red Zebra. Nice marble!! Marble--On!!
  15. Fire----Opals. I still think that are fancy named Flinties, Marble--On!!
  16. I will bump this one--just because.( I would like to know as well👍) Marble--On!!
  17. I cannot call this one--It does look Peltish though. Nice marble and if it is a Pelt---Killer. More opinions are needed for sure--some more images would not hurt a bit--cutlines. Marble--On!!
  18. Not a "Coral"--I agree. Marble--On!!
  19. Nice marble--Great images!! Marble--On!!
  20. akroorka

    Akro ?

    OK Fire, The base is transparent?? The orange transparent is more of a reflection/bleed The size is?? Disregard the eye-lashes on this one. Master Made Marbles had them as well as Master Glass Marbles. I still think that this may be a very nice Master Glass “Cats Eye” marble. Of course, I will always welcome all opinions to the contrary--and others as well😁. Marble--On!!
  21. That is a very nice marble--"eye candy' for sure. I would say that is a WVS of the pre Jabo variety---very nice indeed, never saw one quite like it. I hope tha you get a good ID on this one. Marble--On!!
  22. akroorka

    Akro ?

    I would probably sort this one as a Master. Nice looking marble! Marble--On!!
  23. Generally Master marbles only display four colors. This one may be a fluke—or my imagination going wild. Let’s just call it 7/8”. It is obviously a Master. (There is a hint of blue in there) The second one and as a matter of fact, all of them I found while researching that really fine purple and yellow Master from earlier this week. This one has a “Plum” colored transparent base—not too common in my experience. This one is 11/16” The third is just an odd thing to find in a Master, a chunk of furnace/funnel/plug etc. This one is also 11/16”. Master Marbles –On!!
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