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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. Prizenames, I am about to finish a 100 count box of them. The box came to me partially filled. Yes, I know, two Opaque colors are needed. It may be time to rethink “opaque” today with big-time flash and imaging tech vs back then in the 30’s. These all look opaque under natural light—what more can I say. The first two are a very difficult find. I do not even know what to call the orange on the first one. The white on black—is very hard to find (actually white on transparent, very deep brown--it does look blue--what can I say, I have it in hand). Enjoy! Marble—On!!
  2. Well, The size narrows it down a bit. I have ruled out Vacor, the base looks brownish. Not Pelt, MK or Master. If it is an Akro—well, feed me the popcorn bag. I am guessing a big cat—maybe a Vitro? Great game Fire---chime in!! Marble--On👽!!
  3. Here is the odd thing. These are the marbles that came with the pouch. The exact number that came with the box and I do believe that they are all “Master Made”. Three clearies came long for the ride and they look vintage as well. I am writing the seller as I speak—lol. I do not mind a beat up box at all. Marble--On!!
  4. A “Black Spanish” radish, my first good one of the year. They are not for the faint at heart. About the same heat as a Jalapeño—but this one goes up the sinuses like Horseradish. Peel them, slice them, a little salt and go on a nice journey into radish land----hmmmm, what a place!! Root crops —On!!
  5. Good eye Chad. Popeyes can be down right anemic with the white whispy stuff and sometimes they are just packed with it along with everything in between. Marble--On!!
  6. Thanks for the jobber box tip. I found it. It is from a rare un-marked (name wise) box, so I do not feel too bad about my memory today. I found three that are close with the same wording on similar pouches in the “Rosenthal jobber boxes”. Here is a link to AAM https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3613&start=50 And one image from a Grist book. Marble--On!!
  7. Hmm, it does have a Vitro look to it. Consider Vacor "Blue Macaw". They came in a variety of color combos with a transparent blue base and we know they made em big. Marble--On!!
  8. Hat pin works for me. The size is OK, they can get bigger than that.
  9. Vitro x2. Like Steph says, these big ones do not always behave properly. It looks like the cutoff blob of glass folded in half as it hit the rollers. Marble--On!!
  10. That one is a tuff one. Pelt Rainbo? Marble--On!!
  11. I collect pouches—well because I rebuild boxes. I jumped on this one recently –just because it rang some bells. I cannot find it or ID it. It is a “Rubberized” fake leather. These usually flake off with age and heat. This one is not too shabby. The back is the best of course. I think that it may be from a “Master Made” box. I may be losing it after all. Any help is appreciated. Thanks and Marble—On!!
  12. Oh, Akro made plenty of swirls. They may have been intended as Corkscrews but some of the models (oxblood) just did not behave and turned out to be quite nice. Most of the Akro Milkies are swirls for sure
  13. Sorry all, I will recluse myself from this post because I decided to bid in the future. My profile image is my own, I just need a few parts to make it really happen. I will not use this format to further any of my wants in any auction. Marble--on!!
  14. https://www.ebay.com/itm/394252209990?hash=item5bcb434f46:g:KQIAAOSwx6ZjKnsH&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAkIGnJMB9L0K9Edh2I0W%2BajAW8TTqc39BoB9oeIY8XFcnMfwR1w%2FiEEN3Gx%2FMO%2FUSrdJmLKYmtpm%2BvAeWkmqI1bw5WdULoEOr725H%2F1%2F%2FPUIgh9tJJuZEwzhWeElXnIiGd16Dq4uTFdfDMyJWcL9q6%2FyQ9amAonKPDRZmh85lN7pCau8mV%2FMHY7dbJW9cXzW9dQ%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR5aDguTsYA Marble--On!!
  15. I suck at WVS ID but it sure deserves a BUMP UP!! Nice marbles. Marble--On!!
  16. This is a big one Fire, not the same marble as the OP. But you get the idea I am sure. Marble--On!!
  17. Thanks for calling this one out for me. I learned something today and that is a good thing for me on any day. The bag has turned this into a no argument scenario. Thanks for sharing it. Yummm--- Crow--luv it when I am wrong. Learning comes from mistakes. Thanks all for chiming in!! Marble--On!!
  18. Thanks to you all for chiming in. I will always appreciate a nice Peltier marble. I think that it will go with my collection of "Coral" colored marbles--luv em. Marble On!!
  19. A fitting name for sure. The deer leave this one alone along with the squirrels, chipmunks and rabbits. Thank you for all of the information Da Roberto. I have passed it on to the succulent boss and she sends her most gracious thank you as well. We have some frost advisories tonight, now the fun begins and I will find out why the animals leave them be. Have a great day!
  20. Pretty cool! House fire maybe? I can agree with Vitro--or ??😁. Marble--On!!
  21. akroorka


    Well, I want everything to be an Akro but I believe that what you are showing is a nice Vitro. I am not too good with individual names. All opinions are welcomed. Marble—On!!
  22. The middle one is a Vacor “Red Devil”. The one on the right is an Akro and it is very close to being a well filled “Popeye”, maybe not but close imho. The left hand one---hmmm, I think that you are right WVS. It does look semi Peltish though. All opinions are welcomed and needed. Marble—On!!
  23. Funny thing, I am getting ate up on another possible Pelt post that I thought was an Imperial and here I am again. I think that this one is a Pelt. I might be slipping! That green ring around the bubble just freaks me out, most of the matrix is more of a linear brown. Well give me your best. This one is 5/8”. Thanks, and--- Marble—On!!
  24. Ohh, by the way. I have not eaten Crow on a Pelt ID for awhile and I am looking forward to it---just getting ready—serve it up. I deserve it for sure. I had a friend tell me once that it tastes kind-of like Mud-hen!! I did not dine with him often---never in fact. I just love this stuff! Marble On!!
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