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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. There is way too much to be found out about the buyout of Akro by Master Glass. Master Glass used many Akro boxes and marketing items along with warehoused marbles/ machinery and recipes to advance their products. I would not be surprised to find out some day in the future that Master Glass made some of the bigger Oxblood patches that we see in the later ā€œAkroā€ boxes and other marbles that were marketed in the old ā€œAkroā€ boxes and bags along with other toys that were sold in this time frame. The Akro Name was much bigger than Master Glass could achieve, even at the end. The Later ā€œAkroā€ large Oxblood patch marbles just do not line up right with regular Akro Oxblood. They are darker and just not what I expect regardless of the time frame. Research on these later items by Master Glass needs more research. I am a firm believer that Master Glass is a company that is under appreciated and under-looked. Master Glass and Master Made Marbles should be looked at as two completely different companies IMHO The OP is a Master Glass Marble. Marbleā€”On!!
  2. Consider this. Using two rollers does not explain the left vs right twist on a corkscrew. Using three or four rollers does. Left cutoffā€”right cutoff, left swirl, right swirl. The corkscrew device had to be powered by a motorized mechanism of some sort. If it was an electric, pneumatic or liquid driven motor, the makers would have used the same motor on both sides of the cutoffā€”it just makes sense. As you oppose the motors of course they would have spun in a different direction. I think that you have to think out of the box on this question and envision a machine making two marbles almost simultaneously on two different sets of rollers, or at least three that spun in different directions. Left vs right corkscrew was always a trap that I thought that sellers used to lure buyers. Facts are that corkscrews are 50-50 left vs right---most marbles are, with the exception of the very early machine made slagā€™s that were hand gathered and dropped onto a single wheel or rounding device , made this way. Nowā€”to look at different manufacturers of these most desirable little orbs, what was best, a left hand cutoff or a right hand cutoff. I vote left without any knowledge. (I love lefties) Earlier machine made marbles (slagā€™s) may have been made with one set of rollers (Miller Peltā€™s for example, ) to make the marble round without the effort that it takes without it but who really knows what happened with the more advanced and get this done quickly advances that the glass makers/marble makers were always thinking of. Akro had many secrets that are left to be revealed. Prove me wrong and be appreciated. I am of coarse welcome any different opinions. These are my own. Marbleā€”On!! And prove me wrong as well!!
  3. Here are a few 7/8ā€ Akro slags on a cool copper flower frog. Slag on!!!
  4. I found your ashtrays folks. In a pamphlet from the WV Museum of American Glass titled Vidrio Products Corporation. So, they are Vidrio. Here are a few images including the lighter from the set that I just happen to own.(I just wonder why I purchased it?) No doubt the ashtray was sold individually as well. Its a cool box though. The glass has a nice glow to it. The ashtray must be massive because the lighter weighs just over 13oz Vidrioā€”On!!!
  5. I know that it is Akro Friday but this seems like the place for this. https://www.ebay.com/itm/313733226261?hash=item490bf51f15:g:JdQAAOSwqt1hfuQT I think that huggybear was a bit surpised too, starting it a $9.99
  6. I did some research on Hazel Atlas just this week---interesting stuff to be found. Claims are that they were the first to produce opal glass in the US. The glass in side of the old Zinc canning jar lids is opal made by guess who. Marbleā€”On!!
  7. I will throw my two cents in. Just because of all of the little bump/touch marks that seem to be on the surface---I would say that they are Jabo. I just call them like I see them. Marble--On!!
  8. I do not think that CAC made any "real" oxblood, so if you are set on it being oxblood it is probably from another maker. I cannot really tell from my view. It looks CAC to me as well. Marble--On!!!
  9. Uff Da, Mine were about $325 cheaper. Marble--On!!!
  10. This one is top notch Schmoozer---love it Marble--On!!!
  11. This is not an Akro ashtray, that much I will commit to. It looks Houze to me but I am not 100% sure. I just sent you a private message regarding some more info that I cannot publish here. Marble--On!!!
  12. Nice images Gladys--I'll jump in and call it a Marble King and wait for any reactions. It could be a fancier than most game marble. I just call them like I see them. Marble--On!!!
  13. Great work Mojo and a great marble as well! Just a question about "Mojo"---my wife has some (lots of) dutch heritage and "mojo pumpkin head" is one of her favorite sayings when refering to our young (older now) ones. Just what is a Mojo? Marble--On!!!
  14. Here are a few WV swirls nestled into a Hazel Atlas ā€œCloverleafā€ Depression Glass sherbet. Hazel-Atlas was a mainstay in West Virginia for many years. Hazelā€”on!! and Marbleā€”On for sure!!!
  15. I'll bet that that Rooster thinks he is the size of an Ostrich. Nice marbles Gladys, love the brown one for sure. Marble--On!!!
  16. I agree with I'llhave. The top one may be a slag, swirls to the rest of em. Marble--On!!!
  17. I agree with Chad on the CA swirl. These can show up in this color combo very--very close to an Akro Color combo. They key is swirl vs corkscrew and layout. Generally even a bad corkscrew show signs of the intended marble. These CA swirls with this color combination came in different shades but this color combo is very close to the Akros that I have tried to backfill boxes with and have found a few in incompleted boxes----it did take some looking to set them aside. Good call Chad, Marble--On!!!
  18. I love the light box effect Chris, Here is one that deserves attention from your side of the Atlantic. I used a fill-flash with a light box. Marbleā€”On!!!
  19. Lets go crazy!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXJhDltzYVQ Yes I know this is quite crazy. Peltier made some crazy nice patches. This one has a slight glow to it under UV light but no opalescence ----- so just a plain old Peltier Peerless patch and not an Acme Realer. Several colors of AV. Blue, Green and Copper-ish. Two round marks on either sideā€”you tell me what happened----I just think that it is a patch that wanted to grow up-----or just get CRAZY. Marbleā€”On!!!----and Marble Crazy on as well !!!!!!
  20. Love em Capper is that blue and orange a submarine? Marble--On!!!
  21. I think that it is an "All Red" Fire. Marble--On!!
  22. The blue and yellow are Vitro colorsā€”maybe a misfit Tri-lite, start of a new run etc. Iā€™ll stick with Vitro on this one. Marbleā€”On!!!
  23. It is a Vacor "Serpent". No doubt in my mind. Marble--On!!!
  24. Thanks Chad, I had always thought that it was a "Miller Tiger" which would be a rare one for sure. The AV sends it over the top. I will look up your images in "The Pelt Book".----Great marble and thanks again. I never met Sami (I thinkšŸ˜) but I did get to talk with Gino a few times. The King of Peltheads RIP---great guy that he was, his excitement over marbles was intoxicating. Marble---On!!!
  25. Love the glow!! Marble--On!!
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