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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. On that note, time for some showin off There are no bad Bricks, this one has hardly any gloss left to it but it is my first. Marble--On!!!
  2. Veterans Day . I hope that all of you Veterans receive the respect that I think you deserve, not just today but every day. I respect you for all that you have done and will continue to do. Salute!
  3. akroorka


    I agree Fire--a Rebel for sure. It could be a Pistachio but I have been fooled by the faux ones enough to wait for some glow to make sure. The last one in the set is CAC IMHO---close to an Akro in color, but not an Akro. Thers is an Akro "lifesaver" and above that another possible Akro Prize name with a purple cork on red base. Great images for sure! Marble--On!!
  4. akroorka


    OK Fire, I will chime in and hope for any rebuttle from the masses---bring it on!!!!! Your first one is veneered and it is a very nice Vitro, of course I trust your judgment on the veneering--just giving my opinion on it at first. The last one is a Vitro, no doubt in my mind ever and it sure looks like the "Blue Devil" that you refer to---another great marble 44444444444 sure. I just do not have the ability in my little corkhead to keep track of all of the names that we collectors have assigned to these awsome little orbs. 4th grade really? It must have been one of those years for me because I cannot remember a thing from fourth grade (the nuns must have beat it out of my mind🔨) Blue Devil--On!!
  5. I just love it Dave---Great images and a superb cat for sure!! Marble--On!!
  6. Great job Mojo. Winter is coming so light will be a problem for most. I Love a good Winter. Marble--On!!!
  7. The new images make me think that it is a Master Made Marble---"Sunburst". Not Master Glass but Master Made. Marble--On!!
  8. I would lean more towards Pelt Peerless on this one just because of the texture. It would be a big one, but who knows? Marble--On!!!
  9. After looking at the post by Nantucketdink I think that you have your answer. Great marbles and Images as well. I do love the term "Spartan" and it does seem familiar for some reason . More research is needed on this terminology. Perhaps they were bagged as such? Marble—On!!!
  10. It is just amazing how many different types of marbles that Master Glass packed into the "Cat's Eye" bags. It is almost painfull to see what they did to try to hold on as long as they did. I have seen more cat's eye bags without cat-eyes than those that held cateyes. Great marbles non the less. Marble--On!!!
  11. This is a very good point Berryb. There is a very fine line between the two. The term "slags" has been reserved for some very fine examples and I am OK with that. Swirls and slags are both single stream marbles and collectors have made the line between the two more prenounced or defined. As I understand it, CAC only made single stream marbles, yet we all call them swirls---at least most of them. We, as collectors know the differeence between a "swirl" and a "slag" and like it or not, the posted images will almost always be considered as swirls (except for a few purists😇) I happen to like the term "slags" and understand just where you are coming from. I wil concede and agree with the masses that these are swirls, but I will sort them as slags🍭. Marble on !!! and Keep the opinions on as well!! Marble collecting is just a great thing to do---and discuss.
  12. I just happened to come across these two lots on Etsy this morning. Similar? https://www.etsy.com/listing/1047504983/vintage-french-european-sparkler-marbles?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=marbles+vintage&ref=sr_gallery-22-20&organic_search_click=1 https://www.etsy.com/listing/1089728089/8-vintage-sparkler-marbles-colorful-set?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=marbles+vintage&ref=sr_gallery-9-34&organic_search_click=1
  13. akroorka


    This is a tuff one Fire and I do not think that it veneered according to the backlit images. Start looking away from what you think and see what you may find. I think that it is a swirl. The colors sure look Vitro but my advice is explore for similar colors in another maker. Think what it may not be and investigate, rather than get locked on. I was locked on to Vitro as soon as I saw it. Marble--On!!
  14. These are my toughts on this one. Not Oxblood, according to the images. CAC did not make"Bricks". I checked the Akro "Brick Cullet" that I have and nothing matches (not even close). I doubt that it is a MFC due to the cut-offs and color. It may be one from across the Atlantic ocean, it sure looks vintage. As always, I just call them like I see them---more opinions are needed of course and I wish you luck on a positve ID. Keep us posted on this one --it is a odd duck but a very nice Duck for sure.( I would add it with my "bricks" regardless of ID.) Marble--On!!!
  15. Sherry, There are Vacors-----and there are great Vacors. This one is a keeper for sure. Marble--On!! and Vacor on as well!!!
  16. I am not convinced that this is an Akro. The light pink just throws me off. I know that Sparklers could have some "seediness" or small bubbles included in the matrix but this seems pretty severe. Then again, there are many"Dug Akros" that show up in mint condition and these are pretty common (the dug marbles) in todays spectrum. I have not seen another like it and I doubt that few have. Judging by the images I would call it ---well I am not sure---foreign----to me at least. Great marble non-the-less! As always--in hand I, as most, could tell better. Great images!! Marble--On!!!
  17. akroorka


    This is a really great group of Marbles boris64. This is my suggestion: Take all of white based with one other color out, lay the rest flat and take a number of over-lapping images. Opinions on what to show of the result may blow you away. I see too many to ask. Great find. Marble--On!!
  18. There is way too much to be found out about the buyout of Akro by Master Glass. Master Glass used many Akro boxes and marketing items along with warehoused marbles/ machinery and recipes to advance their products. I would not be surprised to find out some day in the future that Master Glass made some of the bigger Oxblood patches that we see in the later “Akro” boxes and other marbles that were marketed in the old “Akro” boxes and bags along with other toys that were sold in this time frame. The Akro Name was much bigger than Master Glass could achieve, even at the end. The Later “Akro” large Oxblood patch marbles just do not line up right with regular Akro Oxblood. They are darker and just not what I expect regardless of the time frame. Research on these later items by Master Glass needs more research. I am a firm believer that Master Glass is a company that is under appreciated and under-looked. Master Glass and Master Made Marbles should be looked at as two completely different companies IMHO The OP is a Master Glass Marble. Marble—On!!
  19. Consider this. Using two rollers does not explain the left vs right twist on a corkscrew. Using three or four rollers does. Left cutoff—right cutoff, left swirl, right swirl. The corkscrew device had to be powered by a motorized mechanism of some sort. If it was an electric, pneumatic or liquid driven motor, the makers would have used the same motor on both sides of the cutoff—it just makes sense. As you oppose the motors of course they would have spun in a different direction. I think that you have to think out of the box on this question and envision a machine making two marbles almost simultaneously on two different sets of rollers, or at least three that spun in different directions. Left vs right corkscrew was always a trap that I thought that sellers used to lure buyers. Facts are that corkscrews are 50-50 left vs right---most marbles are, with the exception of the very early machine made slag’s that were hand gathered and dropped onto a single wheel or rounding device , made this way. Now—to look at different manufacturers of these most desirable little orbs, what was best, a left hand cutoff or a right hand cutoff. I vote left without any knowledge. (I love lefties) Earlier machine made marbles (slag’s) may have been made with one set of rollers (Miller Pelt’s for example, ) to make the marble round without the effort that it takes without it but who really knows what happened with the more advanced and get this done quickly advances that the glass makers/marble makers were always thinking of. Akro had many secrets that are left to be revealed. Prove me wrong and be appreciated. I am of coarse welcome any different opinions. These are my own. Marble—On!! And prove me wrong as well!!
  20. Here are a few 7/8” Akro slags on a cool copper flower frog. Slag on!!!
  21. I found your ashtrays folks. In a pamphlet from the WV Museum of American Glass titled Vidrio Products Corporation. So, they are Vidrio. Here are a few images including the lighter from the set that I just happen to own.(I just wonder why I purchased it?) No doubt the ashtray was sold individually as well. Its a cool box though. The glass has a nice glow to it. The ashtray must be massive because the lighter weighs just over 13oz Vidrio—On!!!
  22. I know that it is Akro Friday but this seems like the place for this. https://www.ebay.com/itm/313733226261?hash=item490bf51f15:g:JdQAAOSwqt1hfuQT I think that huggybear was a bit surpised too, starting it a $9.99
  23. I did some research on Hazel Atlas just this week---interesting stuff to be found. Claims are that they were the first to produce opal glass in the US. The glass in side of the old Zinc canning jar lids is opal made by guess who. Marble—On!!
  24. I will throw my two cents in. Just because of all of the little bump/touch marks that seem to be on the surface---I would say that they are Jabo. I just call them like I see them. Marble--On!!
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